Ch-13 His Or Not

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Yesterday I had updated two chapters, 11 and 12. I think few readers have missed the 11th chapter. So please check it, in case you missed it.


"I killed my father.........."

Her eyes widened and heartbeat rose.

He sensed her shock.
He cupped her both cheeks and made her look into his eyes.

His eyes were pleading to her to not look away. Taking a deep breathe he continued.

"He wasn't a good person. He had affairs with several women. He was also a rapist. As well as he was involved in human trafficking, drugs smuggling and many such crimes. He even introduced me to alcohol and women. I had seen him, my father doing these things. So I thought it would be good. Gradually I was becoming a monster like him. But when I met you, I stopped myself from doing it anymore. Unknowingly I fell in love with you. But I never wanted you to be a part of this hell. So I always refrained myself from confessing my feelings to you. Then my father asked me to marry Singhal's daughter. Singhal is a powerful and rich businessman. My father wanted to become more powerful and influential by this alliance. However, when Sahib, my childhood friend, got to know about it he tried to stop me. I was really afraid of my father, I didn't want to oppose him. But when Sahib told me that my father had raped his mother and he is his illegitimate child, I couldn't handle it anymore. At that exact moment I and Sahib planned to kill him. At that moment I realised that it wasn't about me, but several other innocents as well. On my wedding day, Sahib had shot him. And the attack on me was all an act. To make police believe that I am not the one behind all this."

He finished.

She was silent. Her senses went numb.

She used to think that only her life was unfair. She had seen men eyeing her lustfully. Her own mother was responsible for all these.

But his life was no different. His own father encouraged him towards wrongdoings. He used his son as a puppet to gain his goal.

What if he didn't dare to do it?
What if he didn't dare to end this fear?
What if he didn't differentiate between right and wrong?

He would have drowned deeper into this hell.

And what if she didn't leave that Kotha?
What if she did what her mother wanted?
What if she actually became a prostitute?

She would have drowned deeper into that hell.

Both of them were on the same page. It wasn't Destiny, it was Them and only Them.
Destiny gave them a chance to make wrong into right. They grabbed it and saved themselves.

After a long pause, she lifted her gaze and looked at him. He had defeated look on his face.


He looked at her, hopelessly.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she smiled faintly.

He could feel her emotions. It was difficult for her grasp everything.

Before she could speak a word, he put his finger on her lip.

"Shhh. You need rest."

He made her lie comfortably on the bed, covered her with a duvet. After kissing her on her forehead, he left.

That night she couldn't sleep. She kept thinking. All she could remember was how she had seen women suffer. Was it right to bring justice in a wrong way? He killed his father, the man who raised him. How difficult it would had been for him?

"I am no one to judge him."


Next morning she woke up with a severe headache. She groaned in frustration.

"Good morning."
Ashlesha entered with some clothes in her hands.

"Good morning, auntie."

"Are you alright?"

"I have a terrible headache."

"Oh, I have brought clothes for you. You freshen up and I will bring medicine for you."

She left after keeping clothes on the bed.

Chandni picked them up and went to the bathroom.

When Chandni came out Ashlesha was already present with her breakfast and medicine.

"Here, eat your breakfast and then take your medicine."

She nodded and sat down to eat. Ashlesha also sat beside her.

"So something happened last night?"

Chandni nodded while eating.

"What was it?"

Chandni had no idea if she knew that her son had conspired her husband's murder or not. So she kept quiet and continued eating.

"I guess it was about my husband's murder, right?"

She knew!

Chandni nodded.

"I don't know what you'll think about Raj. But he did what he thought was right. And I support him. He has saved many innocents by killing that monster. I am one of his victims. I have suffered marital rape, domestic abuse, miscarriage, depression, all because of that evil man. It's totally upto you, you want to be his or not. It's hard for you, and it's your decision how to make it easy."

She patted her head and left.

"I want to be his or not?"
She mumbled to herself.

I hope I justified with Angraj's part. He has killed his father. Do you think he did the right thing?

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