CH-1 Daughter of a prostitute

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Chandni moved out of the car with a small bag hanging on her left shoulder. With a genial smile, she thanked that gang of grannies, who gave her a lift to her city.

"Thank you for helping me. I enjoyed meeting you all."

"God bless you, child."

"May God give you a loving husband."

"Keep smiling, girl."

And the gang of grannies drove away, giving her millions of blessings.

Chandni was really happy. She went to another city for a dance competition and won it. The very same evening she donated the winning amount to an orphanage. She danced for passion, not for money or fame. She was happy hiding in a small corner of the world.

With a satisfied expression on her face, she began walking. She was on the outskirts of her city. It would take another one hour to reach her residence.

When she reached the market, she was surprised to witness no humans there. It was deserted as if no one lived in the area for years.

After walking further she found flames burning a few shops. Then it hit her mind, riots were happening in the city.

Her steps sped up with fear. It was dangerous, especially for a girl.

"God, please don't encounter me with any rioting group. Don't let me come to any harm."

But unfortunately, she saw a few men crashing public property. She tried to run away without them seeing her. However, it didn't happen. A man saw her and shouted for others to catch her.

Before she could even try to escape their brutal grips held her arms. Her luggage was thrown carelessly into the fire and she was going to become their prey.

She screamed in fear, their lustful eyes were depicting what was coming next. But she could not let them harm her honor. However, she was nothing more than a helpless girl in front of those cruel beasts. One of them tugged her sleeve, increasing her fear.

"Please leave me!" She cried again and again. But it could not affect those social beasts.

"STOP!!!" An angry voice shouted. All of the men moved aside. Their eyes, which held lust for her, were now filled with fright.

"Is it what I told you all to do?" His rage-filled voice strangely comforted her.

"Get lost before I kill you all." In a fraction of seconds, those men ran away to save themselves.

He looked at her fragile form. He came forward, picked up her dupatta from the ground, and wrapped it around her shoulders.
"Girls should not go out of home all alone. It is not safe."

"It's not girls' fault that the society is filled with beasts. Thanks for saving me." And she left.

When she reached her residence, no one paid any heed to her torn sleeve. Because it was not a big deal for them. After all, that place was the residence of "prostitutes".

Chandni entered her room and locked the door. She was tired of her constant struggle to save herself. She was not a prostitute, but her mother was. That "Kotha" was unfortunately the place where she was born and raised. For her mother Umrao, she was the consequence of her carelessness and a new addition to her gems. But Chandni didn't want that life. She never let any evil touch her. She wanted to get out of that hell, but she was not strong enough to do so. She needed a savior.

She dozed off after a long session of crying. In the evening she heard a knocking on her door, which broke her slumber. She got up and opened the door. Her mother was standing there, adorned in a beautiful dress and jewelry like always. It was a rare sight, her mother rarely came to meet her. But she wasn't complaining, she was happy to meet her mother.

"Maa, how are you?"

"I am fine."
She entered the room. Chandni closed the door and looked at her mother.

"Chandni, it's time."

"For what?"

"For you to accept your fate. To follow your mother's footsteps."

"I won't. I don't want to be a part of this world."

"This is your world. You have to do it. Do it yourself or I'll have to force you. You have no other option."

It was hard for her to believe that the woman standing in front of her was her mother.

Umrao left, shaking up her whole world.

After some time few girls came, to get her ready for the night.

She entered a well-decorated room, dressed like someone she never wanted to be. She hated herself for being so weak. Even God helps those who help themselves, but she did not dare to do so. She did not deserve to be saved. It wasn't her fate, it was her fear.

A man was standing on the balcony. His well-built back was facing her. His physique was attractive.

But it did not have any effect on her. Because surely he was one of those men who spend their nights with prostitutes and on days they would curse them while sitting in their social circle.

He turned around and his sight shocked her.


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