Ch-10 Cinderella & Prince Charming

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Chandni was quite nervous that day. Her students were going to perform in an inter-school dance competition. The reason of her nervousness was that it wasn't all about her, but those kids, school and her teaching as well.

"Ma'am, how am I looking?"
One of her students, Adya asked.

"You look like an angel."

"Ma'am, you also look like Cinderella."

"Thank you, but I am not Cinderella. I don't have any Prince Charming."

"You'll have one very soon."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because if Cinderella won't meet her Prince Charming then her story will be left incomplete."

Adya's innocent answer conflicted her. Like she was talking about Chandni's life, which will be left incomplete without her Ang.

"Adya, go back to your friends. All the best for your performance. Make me proud."

Adya ran to her friends and began giggling in her own thoughts.

Soon their turn came and they went to the stage. Chandni stood at the entry of stage from the backstage, to see their performance.

She felt proud at the way kids were so gracefully performing what she had taught them.

Honestly, being a dancer and teaching dance, are very different tasks. Dancing is about learning, but making someone else learn it is a whole different experience.

As the performance ended kids ran to the backstage. Adya excitedly came to Chandni.

"Ma'am, I saw Prince Charming."

Chandni smiled at Adya's fantasizing self.

"Okay, how does he look?"

"He looks like moon. And your name means moonlight. Means you are Prince Charming's moonlight."

"Moonlight only belongs to one moon and I have my lost my moon."

"If the moon has lost then how can moonlight exist? Maybe moon is hiding behind clouds."
With that Adya ran away.

This six-year old girl easily puzzled Chandni with her words.

It is said that a kid's words are God's words. Their words hold a power to become a reality. Maybe Adya's words held that power to become a reality very soon.

As the performances ended, the time came to announce the winning team. And it was Chandni's students.

They all dragged Chandni along with them to receive the trophy, as she was their favourite teacher. Chandni obeyed their cute wish, she wasn't stone-hearted to deny them.

But as she reached upto the stage, her steps halted. Kids gently pulled her wrist and she walked to the chief guest with them, who was none other then Angraj.... Her Ang.

For a moment it appeared to be a beautiful dream. She had no expectations of meeting him ever again. She was blankly looking at him.

While he was no different. She was still the same, however, he had changed. He had changed in every sense, his love for Chandni was an exception. He was silent but his eyes spoke volumes. He wanted to ask her,
How are you, Chanda?
Are you happy with your life?
Are you happy without me?
Did you miss me?
I missed you a lot!
These six months without you were like a hell.
You know, my marriage got cancelled.
Will you marry me?
I love you, Chanda.
Do you love me?

But no word escaped his mouth. Being his meant being part of the sin he committed.

Adya pulled Chandni's wrist. Chandni bent down to Adya's level.

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