Capitolo 11 - Setting your pride aside

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Glowana took a deep breath while Raffaele's dominating gaze still stayed on her.

His hand drenched in her essence as he dared to penetrate her wet püssy.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Mama," he growled adding pressure to her clit.

"N-No," she muttered, her voice low and breathless as she bit her bottom lip to mumble the moans that dared to leave her lips.

She gasps feeling Raffaele's finger penetrate her as her fists balled the bedsheets.

"You're lying, Principessa, " he says as he withdrew his hand before thrusting his finger back into her.

Glowana's hips moved to the rhythm of Raffaele's hand loving how it drew her on edge.

"No- " she pants tilting her head back.  Her eyes still closed enjoying the feeling of his other hand playing with her clit.

" not!" she exhaled.

Her body shook as she felt her muscles tighten a bit as she was getting close but suddenly Raffaele's hands stopped.

Immediately her eyes opened as she turned her head back to look at Raffaele who stood there licking his fingers clean before tilting his head to the side.

"What's with the look?" he questioned.

"I thought you said you didn't like it?" he taunted making Glowana roll her eyes.

Deciding to drop her pride she slowly slid her hands between her thighs but Raffaele had other plans.

"Mama, " he rasped making her stop.

"Don't touch yourself, sì?"

"I mean it wouldn't be more of punishment, would it?" he teased making her glare in his direction.

Glowana's thoughts outgrew her as they began filling her head with thoughts like, who was he to tell her what she can and not do with her body. If he wasn't going to fulling satisfy her then she will.

Continuing what she started she parted her legs wider giving Raffaele a better view of herself before her finger came in full contact with her cunt.

She expected Raffaele to scorn her but he only watched. He even smiled as if enjoying.

Feeling the heat in her intensified she gently glide her fingers against her clit imagining and envisioning it as Raffaele's own.

She knows she should be disgusted, mortified that she's doing this but in this exact moment she didn't give a fuck

Massaging her clit in circular motion she began to quicken her pace when she felt herself close when the feeling of ecstasy filled her body and left her feeling numb afterward.

Exhaling her eyes met Raffaele sliver ones who have stared her down intensively. "You put on a great show, you know," he taunted making her bite her lip in shame.

"Fuck you," she could only curse as he flashed her his sinister smile. Taking a deep breath she watched as he went into the bathroom for a while before going over to her.

She cringed a bit when his arms wrapped around her picking her up as he carried her to the bathroom placing him into the warm bath he had set for her.

"Get yourself clean, I would help but I'm sure you'd differ," he joked but was entirely true. "I'll be back but listen, Mama, I want you to stay in this room," he began.

"I don't need to kill another man because they seem incompetent of following rules so I'll place one of my men outside. So just knock and ask him for anything you want. I'll also send my stupid little sister up here to keep your company, si?" nodding her head Raffaele smiled before placing a kiss onto Glowana's forehead.

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