What's Fair and What's Right

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Ashlynn watched, now growing increasingly concerned with Soren's reaction to seeing the other injured Borrower. Soren was stiff and shaking, eyes locked and unmoving from the small, injured man. Ashlynn had seen some bad injuries before – not including Soren's busted leg – but had never worked as a medical professional. It was a miracle she was able to get Soren standing. She suspected Soren hadn't seen these kinds of rough injuries; however, she didn't expect this reaction – shaken.

"Soren... I know I'm asking a lot, but..."

"I can't... I can't help him..." interrupted Soren. Soren was still shaking, his shoulders rising and falling visibly as he inhaled and exhaled deeply. Ashlynn felt her chest tighten. This can't be easy seeing someone like him injured like this.

"Soren, I know this is tough for you to see, but..."

"No..." Soren interrupted again harshly, this time taking defiant several steps back. "You don't get it. That's Brady."

Ashlynn had to stop and think for a minute. Where had she heard that name before? Why did it sound so familiar? It finally dawned on her – it was that Brady. This was the Brady who Soren had muttered about and curses when he was unconscious. This was Brady, the father of Dorian and Rey who had seemingly abandoned his two young sons.

"Wait. This is that Brady?" asked Ashlynn. Soren's hands bunched into fists as his features hardened. He nodded slowly and forcefully. It all became much clearer now. Soren's reaction wasn't out of shock or fear for his brothers' father – it was out of anger.

Suddenly, Ashlynn thought that bringing Soren in to help was a bad idea. Ashlynn kept her voice low, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Dorian and Rey were still under the bed before speaking to Soren again.

"Soren, look, I get you're angry, but I really can't do this alone and I can't bring Dorian and Rey into this. Please, I need your help," urged Ashlynn.

"Angry? I'm furious!" seethed Soren, turning his blazing hazel eyes to Ashlynn. "You're asking me to help him? HIM! After everything he did? I can't – I won't – help him."

"It's not his fault. Austin is a rambunctious kid and he was probably caught off guard. He didn't abandon Dorian and Rey like we thought," argued Ashlynn, still keeping her voice low as to not alert the boys.

"No, but he abandoned me!" spat Soren. "He left me to DIE, Ashlynn. Die! He knew what it meant to be seen and captured by a human. He left me in that mousetrap knowing full well what would happen to me; and if the human was anyone other than you, I'd be in worse condition than he is right now."

Ashlynn understood Soren's frustration. The fear Soren must have felt being left alone in the condition he was in. The pain from his injury preventing him from escaping. If someone like Austin had gotten a hold of Soren when he was injured, her Borrower companion would not be there with Ashlynn now. She wished desperately that she could do something for friend; but could she let someone else suffer when they did nothing to her?

A dozen memories flashed before her eyes. In each, she stood idly by – a bystander doing nothing. Yes, it was cruel and horrible what Brady did to Soren, but she had to convince Soren it was worth saving him or, at the very least, to try. If he didn't help, he would regret it for the rest of his life. This much she knew for certain.

"Soren," Ashlynn muttered. "I... can't imagine what you're going through and I am so sorry. I wish I could do something to help, but you need to listen to me on this. You have to help." Soren turned away running his fingers through his dark brown hair.

"No. After everything he's done?" spat Soren, turning defiantly and pointing to Brady's unmoving form.

"I get it," Ashlynn hissed as she caught Soren's eyes. "Believe it or not, I actually get part of what you're going through, whether to help someone or not, and I would love to give this scum bag a piece of my mind for leaving you the way he did. Standing up for one another – that's what friends do for one another; but I also know this. If you don't help him, you'll regret it for the rest of your life; not because you owe it to him, but you owe it to Dorian and Rey."

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