Disagreements and Risk

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Brady returned a few hours after Soren, Dorian, and Rey brought the fabric and thread back to their camp; and they managed to accomplish a lot even with their limited resources.

Rey and Dorian now had padded bedding three cloth pieces deep. Dorian demonstrated his cleverness by folding one piece of fabric into thirds rather than spreading out three separate cloth pieces. This allowed their beds to be close but separate, which was a good thing. Rey was known to "borrow" covers in his sleep.

They also managed to set up a tent-like overhang over their beds to help capture heat. This idea was Soren's since he had more experience constructing tents.

When Brady returned empty handed, Soren couldn't bite back his groan. His utterance earned him a spiteful glance from Brady. "What was that about?" he asked shortly. Soren glanced toward his brothers who were currently holding a race to see who could fold blankets and pack the essentials fastest.

"You've been gone for hours and you didn't manage to find anything useful," muttered Soren under his breath. Brady huffed and began heading for the beds. "Wait a second. I've got something I want to talk to you about."

Brady stopped, folded his arms across his chest, and turned to face Soren half-heartedly. "What's that?" Soren cleared his throat and gestured for them to take a few steps away. Soren's mind was racing, but he knew he had to bring it up – his brothers needed proper borrower training, and soon. Once they stepped away, Soren began.

"I've been thinking it over and I think it's way past time we show Dorian and Rey how to start borrowing." Like a band-aid, Soren blurted out the main objective. Brady stiffened instantly. He had never liked borrowing, which showed by his lack of effort and his complete lack of competence.

"Out of the question," snapped Brady. "They're far too young and we don't know enough about this place." [We'd know more if you would do something and contribute to the family.] Soren forced his thoughts to remain in his head. Instead, he took a calming breath through gritted teeth and stared at Brady.

"Look, I know we don't agree on everything, hardly anything in fact; but they need this," stated Soren. "If something were to happen to one or either of us, who would they turn to. They don't even know the basics." Brady growled, shoulders hunched and posture tightening.

"I feel like I already know some of the basics of this place. There are two entire apartments which aren't being used by any humans. They can work on speed and strength, climbing and maneuvers. We can tell them all day about what they need to know and understand, but that's no substitute for hands-on practice; and that's what they need."

"And what happens if and when humans fill those apartments? Where will they practice then?" demanded Brady.

"Then we'll stay in the walls and practice or, better yet, take advantage of the havoc humans go through when relocating and borrow necessary building materials. These are fundamentals, Brady!"

"Don't you raise your voice at me Soren. I'm older and more experienced. I've seen things..." Brady's voice trailed off. Soren opened his mouth to argue back, but noticed a messy mop of light, sandy brown hair duck behind the corner. He pinched himself hard and held back.

"I don't doubt that," he said, keeping his voice measured. "Still, Dorian and Rey are what this is about. I'm looking out for my brothers and we're doing them no favors by keeping them in the walls. They'll have to learn one day, and now seems like the safest time."

"So what? You're asking my permission?" Soren had had enough.

"Not really," he said quietly. "I'm just telling you what I'm planning and what I'm going to do. Join us if you get the chance." [You might learn something.] Soren walked back around the corner toward their camp before Brady could respond. Their conversation hadn't gone as smoothly as Soren would have liked, but at least he was able to say his piece.

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