Jealousy pt.2

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Jungkook was late for school one day and you couldn't wit for him so you had to go to school with just jimin and tae. you told them about what was happening and they told you that they'd save you in case jungkook didn't arrive before it happens. it was first break and you were at your locker, instead of them coming up to you and talking to you, they tried something different today. they snatched you by your arm and brought you into the girls bathroom, they somehow had gotten their hands on the bathroom keys and locked the door. they drenched you with water and poured spaghetti sauce on you, along with other food item that would stain your clothes. jimin and tae had gotten your text, giving them a heads up so that they needed to come save you. so they knew that you were already at your locker. when they arrived you weren't there. they checked your classroom because that is where you go after you go to your locker, but you weren't there either. they already knew after they couldn't find you in the lassroo that you were in trouble. the first place they could figure out was the janitors closet, then the storage room.they checked a few other places. the last place they could think of was the girl washroom. when they entered, they saw something they thought they'd never see.

Jungkooks POV

My phone died this morning and i had an early doctors appointment for my yearly check up. i couldn't text Y/N to tell her that i would be late for school, i arrived at the first break. i searched for Y/N and couldn't find her anywhere. i started to get worried. as i went back to her locker to make sure that maybe i just missed her and she was still there, i heard crying and water running from the girls bathroom. crying from... my baby?! I'm surprisingly strong, so i was able to open the old bathroom door after a few tries, regardless if this was Y/N or not, i still needed to help this person that was obviously not ok. i saw Y/N covered in water and food, her face just read pain. it was red and she was crying really heavily, she kept coughing and her breathing wasn't at all even. i ran over to her and forcefully removed the popular girls. she hugged me and i rubbed her back trying to sooth her. i didn't care if i got wet and disgusting, she was safe and that's all that mattered. i took her down to the principals office and told him what had happened. he thanked me for helping out and apologized about the misbehavior from the girls. he allowed us to go home, just because Y/N wasn't in a state to just get delivered new clothes, she needed to talk about what happened and be safe in the comfort of her home.

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