What a freaking long trip... (Disney pt.2)

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The day came where we had to fly to Disney. Every group from our family and friends were sitting with each other, but because my parents were in first class because they planned the whole trip out they sat in first class, the rest of us sat in economy, we planned to go to Disney comfortably. Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin and I sat in the same row. This wasn't my first time on a plane, but i still hated the lift off. Even though we were pretty much adults, we all held each others hands and closed out eyes, praying for mercy on our souls. Once the awful lift off part was over, I fell sleep. Ever since i was young, i always used to fall asleep in cars, after being on a plane for the first time, i realized that planes have the same effect on me. Jungkook was right beside me, as i was sleeping and my head was searching for a comfortale spot I placed my head on his shoulder. I took the isle seat because i knew i'd just sleep the whole time, so there was no point in having a good view of the outside if i was sleeping. Tae seemed very excited to see outside the window, i i let him have that seat. Jimin and Tae talked the whole time while Jungkook tried his best not to move his shoulder that i was laying on so that i wouldn't wake up.

The flight was long, but we arrived. surprisingly the entire flight was very quiet. there wasn't any screaming babies or that one person who'd constantly go to the bathroom. everyone on the plane looked as if they didn't want to make the plane right dramatic and they wanted to get it over with and just get to the gorgeous place called Tokyo. When we arrived, Jungkook carefully woke me up. I was still sleeping on his shoulder when he arrived. i gotta say it was a great pillow (A/N: thanks Y/N, we'll note that, ;D) We got off the plane and counted everyone to make sure we had everyone with us. we had sorted out everyone into family groups before getting on the plane, as we walked through the airport, we all held hands so that nobody would get lost. Disney was surprising not very far from the airport that we were at. We arrived at the Disney Tokyo entrance (look it up, it's really cool all the Disney park entrances are slightly different). The person who let us in told us where to go to get into our resort. we had booked 5 rooms at a resort (1 for my parents, 1 for aunt Aera, her husband and Stephanie, 1 for Jungkook's parents, 1 for Jungkook and Tae and finally one for Jimin and i). As we all got our Magic Bands so that we could get into the resort, we ran to our rooms and flopped onto the cozy and soft beds. each of us ordered pizzas and watched Disney cartoons (A/N: If you ever go to any Disney park PLEASE watch the Disney animations, they are hilarious. i also think they are on Disney+)

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