The first week at Disney (Disney pt.4)

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on the first week, you went to all of the 7 parks, you visited all of the really cool places, tried new food and food that you usually had at home but tasted way better because... you were at disney. you tried all of the terrifying rides and watched shows. you had an absolute blast. and because it was your first week, you didn't have to worry about the fact that you would be leaving soon because you'd only been there for a couple of days.

on Saturday night, the 4 of you went to the hot tub that was near the pool outside of your resort. Both jungkook and jimin were being really close to you, tae had completely worn himself out, so he went to be. i mean, it's understandable, they were at disney and walking all day. jimin was being super flirty with you. you weren't sure if you were ok with it, but your insides weren't begging for it to stop, so you just assumed that you were nervous. the mood around you guys was very romantic. there was purple, red, pink and blue dim lights. you guys were in a steamy hot tub, so the atmosphere was almost melting. you could just fall asleep.

Jungkook POV

I wanted to see what jimin would do if i left them alone, so i told them that it was heading in and calling it a day for me. instead of going to bed, i watched them out of the window of my room. they couldn't see me because i was on the 3rd floor and was peeking through the curtains.

Jimin POV 

once jungkook left us alone, i could finally have her. i reached over to her hand and gently pulled her closer to me.



"Do you have feelings for me...?"


"oh, so you do."

"N-no"she laughed and seemed confused

i reached for her head and kissed her gently. she hesitated for a second and i could tell she wasn't sure. i could tell she didn't feel right bout this, after the awkward kiss, she said.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm not sure about this."

"Me neither... I'm sorry."

"It's ok..."

her phone lit up, she read the message. "Jungkook needs me to go to him, he probably needs me to help with look fro something." she said in a sweet tone. as she walked away, i thought about how weird the kiss felt. "i guess, our relationship isn't supposed to be like that..."

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