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after you and jungkook made love, you got a lot more comfortable and romantic with each other and you went on a lot more dates. you had a lot of dinners and spent a lot of time in the summers with each others families. your mom and jungkook's mom were very happy about you guys being together. at your school, you and jungkook were "the perfect couple" all the single people (and even some people who weren't..) dreamed of being so meant another person. i mean, you and jungkook were perfect for each other. your families knew each other and were very close, you'd known each other forever and you know everything one could know about another person.

Little did you know that almost all of the popular girls were extremely jealous of you because you and planned on ruining your relationship (A/N: please don't do this to someone, real relationships aren't just for show or for popularity. people who are in these relationships are legitimately in love, so either you'll ruin someone's relationship for no reason or make a fool of yourself and look desperate to them). after a couple weeks of becoming a senior at your high school, popular girls started to come up to you and try to make some stupid and senseless conversations, you were lucky though, this would only happen at breaks and at the start and ends of days. These were all times that jungkook would come meet you, he always saved you from having to have the weird conversations, you didn't understand why they were all of this sudden doing this to you.

That special someone~~~ JungkookxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now