Interview: Nicoismysenpai

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On behalf of this month's celebration, we welcome you to another talented writer's interview!

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On behalf of this month's celebration, we welcome you to another talented writer's interview!

We are super excited to jump right into this one, so without further ado, let's get this started with Nicoismysenpai!

🌈  🌈  🌈

What inspired you to become a writer in the first place?

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What inspired you to become a writer in the first place?

A book of princess stories. No, seriously. When I was like 5 or 6, I read a book of princess stories and loved it. So I was like, "Hey, I could do this too." And then I proceeded to plagiarise the HECK out of a story called 'The Red Daffodil'. (Fun times.) But what really inspired me to write SERIOUSLY was when I read the Percy Jackson series and became obsessed with their world. I wanted to be with them so badly. And then I discovered reader-insert fanfiction existed, and baddabing baddaboom, I was soon writing myself into their world. Then that changed to ship fanfiction, which evolved into original fiction. (I can't stand reader-insert fanfiction now. It's kinda sad how times change.)

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What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?

My writing process is...tricky. Sometimes, I have a rough outline of how I want the book to turn out. Most of the time, I have a base plotline and a plot twist in mind, then I sit back and let my characters do the work. I often make memes to help the process. And then I proceed to abandon the book halfway because I got a new idea. (My attention span is Not Great.) I've been much better with finishing books lately, though! (I thank my readers for that.) And I'm definitely a pantser. I'm a very character-driven author, so most of the time, my characters tend to write themselves and any attempts to restrain them with plotting only results in tears from both sides. (Speaking from personal experience.) So I just come up with a plot twist, tell them their story has to develop into that plot twist, and let them go crazy.

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How would you describe your journey on Wattpad? What was it like in the beginning
when you just started writing here?

*blank stare into the distance* so this is kinda awkward, but I have been cursed with Tiny Brain TM ️ and I absolutely cannot remember my beginnings here. I do recall joining Wattpad in the fair summer of May 2018 because someone said it was better than Quotev (I wanted to prove them wrong out of pure pettiness. They turned out to be right and my Quotev account has now been abandoned for two years and counting. Sorry, Quotev.) I was your Classic Struggling Author and promoted my book (it was a PJO fanfic) to all my friends, who were understandably confused. Then schist happened, I remained relatively small until the ONC2019 (although I think I did have one book that blew up before the ONC? can't remember tbh), when I wrote two (terrible) books and picked up some traction. Then I joined the ONC2020 and made plenty of really great friends, as well as seeing writing success with my Mystery entry. Then I became the Wattprom King and blew up for like two days, and even though it wasn't for writing, I was like, "Hey, maybe I can make it on here."

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