Interview: MAndALaptop

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We know that you are all enjoying these interviews and it's so great to get to know these amazing writers, so in honor of the LGBTQIAP+ profile, we have the fantastic, MAndALaptop!

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We know that you are all enjoying these interviews and it's so great to get to know these amazing writers, so in honor of the LGBTQIAP+ profile, we have the fantastic, MAndALaptop!

Now, let's start this interview with a bang!

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What inspired you to become a writer in the first place?

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What inspired you to become a writer in the first place?

I've always been drawn to storytelling ever since I was a little kid. I remember drawing picture books as a three and four year old and telling my mom what to write on the pages! I also read obsessively — I just loved constantly being surrounded by words. It's always been such an integral part of my life, and I'm not sure where I'd be now without it.

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What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?

I'm definitely more of a panster, though I've been trying recently to be better at planning. The Sound of Ice, for example, was started on a whim of inspiration — I kind of found the plot along the way.

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How would you describe your journey on Wattpad? What was it like in the beginning when you just started writing here?

I made my Wattpad account when I was 13 or 14, but didn't really use it until I started publishing chapters of The Sound of Ice when I was 16. My account grew pretty fast as I finished The Sound of Ice and wrote the sequel as well! I've always really liked the Wattpad community — when The Sound of Ice was pretty unknown and I was still in the process of writing, I only had a few consistent readers who were so supportive and encouraging towards my writing process. I also made some writing buddies who were also working on books at the time, so it was really nice to not feel alone while writing. I always felt encouraged to keep going.

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If you could have a cup of coffee with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Probably Mary Oliver, my all-time favorite poet and environmentalist. I'd love to have a conversation with her about words, nature, and the power in both.

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