What does Pride mean to you?

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Pride parades these days are often associated with bright colors, big crowds, and flamboyant displays, but it may be easy to lose sight the true origin of this symbolic festival. Pride, however it is celebrated across the globe, stands for liberation first and foremost. But what sparked this movement?

In 1969, homosexuality in New York was still considered a criminal offense, and men and women could be arrested for what was considered as non-conforming behavior or choice of attire.

During a police raid on the Stonewall Inn on June 28th that year, members of the LGBTQ+ community at the bar resisted arrest and sent a message loud and clear to the authorities that they were no longer going to accept inequality and indignity.

On the first anniversary of the riots the first Pride parade was held in 1970, and it has been commemorated ever since.

So, by taking part in Pride Month, however grand or subtle, you are making your own little bit of history too.

Pride can mean taking a stand against anyone telling you not to be yourself or supporting your fellow LGBTQIAP+ authors. Within the LGBTQIAP+ Family, PRIDE means making our profile a safe and inclusive space for all our family members as well as loving everyone for who they are!

With that in mind, we have a question that we'd like for you to answer in the in-line comment section below...

→  What does PRIDE mean to YOU?

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Warmest vibes,

The LGBTQIAP+ Family

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