19: Recording 18

298 31 5

It's been about 6 months since we completed our final stretch in highschool. 6 months since we've parted ways as the senior body. But hey, those who stayed, stayed.

Now I'm not here to make you cry or anything. But the truth is, after highschool, a lot changes. People changes, circumstances change, friends turn into strangers, and you only leave the school with 1 or 2 friends.

Fortunately for us, we remained in tact.

If the Hawaii trip taught me something, it is how to keep and maintain friendships no matter what. How to fight for what you love, how to be brave.

And how to never back down from a bet. Pun intended.

We managed to leave Plata Highschool with each other. It's sad that Derek and Jess have already left for college in the February intake, but it's alright. It's life, we meet to part and part to meet. Besides, we'll see him soon enough.

We're all leaving for university and college, with JJ being the next one on the list. And then Leon, then Nathan. Then you. Then me.

But one thing I know for sure, is that our friendship and love is strong enough to withstand anything. Be it distance, or new people.

Love Conquers All.

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