end of the road.

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(Last chapter)

"DREAM!" George ran and jumped into his arms.

Dream laughed and hugged George back, "hey baby!!" He smiled.

They spun around in each others arms before stepping back. George hung his arms around Dreams neck as Dream held George's waist, giving him a sweet kiss.

"How was the mission?" George asked.

"It was stressful, I'll say that. How has watching the kiddos been doing?" Dream raised an eyebrow.

"Pretty good, ranboo keeps tubbo and Tommy in line if I'm away making food or something." George giggled.

"Ranboo has always been a responsible kid, he's really funny also, don't you think?" Dream grabbed George's hand to walk with.

"Yeah! He's has a great personality. Also, tubbo and him are like Really, really close."

"That's great! Speaking of tubbo, how has he been medication wise?"

"He's been taking it pretty easy. It's just hard for him to swallow pills or take physical exams."
George sighed.

"He must have been through some tough shit." Dream frowned.

"Yeah, I know what his pain is. It was heel being trapped in there." George looked away.

"Hey..come here.." Dream whispered and calmy brought George into a hug.

"He's gone now, they all are."

"I know, I know.." George sighed into his shoulder.

"Lets go, I have something planned for you!" Dream exclaimed.

"1, 2, 3!" Dream counted.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE!!" Everyone yelled.

"What—??!" George giggled and folded his blindfold.

"This was my surprise." Dream brought George in and planted a kiss on his soft lips.

"You didn't have to, Dream!" George smiled and kissed dream again.

"Ok, ok love birds let's get this party going!!!" Tommy yelled as he blew the confetti cannon.

George looked around while in Dreams arms, "it's beautiful, Dream. Thank you, love." He kissed his forehead.

"Anything for you love.." Dream smiled and dug his head into George's hair.

"God, I love you, George." Dream whispered.

"I love you to Dream. You're the best person I've ever met." George whispered back.

And with that Dream and  George got together and soon got married  after 5 years together.

Who knew you could meet your soulmate through a kidnap mission?

Not Dream.

But this story doesn't come with such a happy ending as you think.

Sadly, George Davidson died from a tragedy that had to do with a lab experiment.

Dream sadly fell into deep depression and soon committed caused by the lack of love and the loss of a best friend and a person he promised to die with.

But now the two live happily together in the clouds above and watches down upon the many souls and people they once knew and loved.

(Sorry for the sad ending, I really needed to get this story over with!)

Dream By Day, Nightmare By Night| DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now