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(Finally a George POV)

I make my way down the floral staircase, seeing Dream waiting for me at the bottom.

I smile and run my hand through my hair, quietly giggling to myself before I reach the bottom.

"Hey" Dream spoke up, having a sweet smile plastered on his face.

"Hi!" I gleam.

"You look happy, any reason—why~?" He raised his eyebrows at me and smirked. "Oh please. let's just go, idiot." I playfully roll my eyes and smile.

"Whatever you say!" Dream exclaimed brightly, carefully grabbing my hand and leading me towards the door.

We made it out and got in one of the cars siting in the front of the house—which I assume is his. The car smells like his cologne—mint. A fresh smell of mint and vanilla perfectly settled in.

"So, where are we going?" I ask, as we begin heading out.

"Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise—wouldn't it?" Dream smirked and kept his eyes on the road.

"That's every guys line! You guys need to be more creative." I sarcastically roll my eyes and huff.

"Well—what am I suppose to say? Just tell you?" Dream ask curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I was kidding. It was just funny to watch your confusion!" I giggle.

"Ahhh, you worried me for a moment! I thought I was boring.." Dream shook his head and puppy-dog pouted.

"You could never be boring, Mr. WasTaken. In fact—you are my superhero." I cross my arms like a three year old.

"Aww. Am I, Georgie?" He smiled and chuckled lightly.

"Yes." I reply, more sassy then before.

"Oh, Georgie being honest, huh?" Dream smiled and put his hand on my thigh swiftly.

My heart just dropped, I want to scream,
And my cheeks are starting to burn.

"Quite now, huh." Dream chuckled lightly.

I swallow in embarrassment and flustration. Holy shit, my heart is melting.

I look out the window and calmly put my hand on top of his, like a key fitting inside a lock.

I heard a small gasp from Dreams side. I smile and rub his fingers calmly. This is all I've wanted, and I'm quite happy with my decision.

"You ok?" Dream asked, slightly rubbing his thumb against my skin.

"Y-yeah, I'm wonderful." I smile.

"Good, because we are here!" Dream exclaimed happily, not taking his hand off my thigh, "here put on this blindfold!" He reached in his pocket and pulled out a black blindfold.

I take my hand off his and calmly grab the blindfold, as he slowly takes his hand off my thigh.

I wrap the blindfold around me firmly, moving it into the correct place before Dream opens his side.

I hear his car door close and faint footsteps approaching my side. He opens my car door and carefully grabs my hand as I struggle to get out.

I feel both of my feet on the ground and wait for Dream to do something.

(She, by dodie.)- song.

Dream By Day, Nightmare By Night| DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now