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Dream made his way through London, with bad, Sapnap, Quackity and Karl, following the gps direction's to George's location.

"so um--we really gonna do this, huh?" Quackity spoke, in a confused tone.

"Alex--are you dumb--of course, nimrod this is dreams boyfriend after all." Karl replied, shoving dreams shoulder lightly.

The group laughed and joked about dreams love about George, while dream shook his head, flustered.

"listen, this is crazy how we've came so far, don't mess this up" bad huffed, clicking away at his iPad.

Dream smirked and shook his head lightly, "thank you bad, at least you understand-"

"Oh no, You guys are falling in love—no matter what." Bad quickly marked, making the group giggle.

"You can't force us."

"Mhm, sure, maybe not force—but you will be able to fall in love."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll believe it when I see It-"

"Feel it, you mean."

"YEAH, HE GOT YOU THERE DREAM!" Quackity laughed, hitting the leather seat in front of him.

Dream shakes his head, going into his own world, dreaming of the boy he soon comes face-to-face with.

"Is this the place?" Sapnap asked, tilting his head slightly, amused by the lovely-built apartment.

Karl giggles, intertwining their fingers, "of course nimrod, he's an angel, where else would he live?"

"A lab" dream replies, making his way towards the apartment door.

"He's not wrong" quackity mutters, following Dream eagerly.

The rest of the group giggled and followed behind slowly, trying to be as quite as possible.

Dream pulled out a card, sliding it downwards on the lock, successfully unlocking it.

The group grinned happily, following dream quickly.

The house was shyly dark and fairly cold. It's sent blew with the smell of French vanilla, mixed with Carmel. The candles spread around throughout the house, lit up the walls, the ceiling, and even the aroma of the house. It's tidy, cozy, comfortable scenery gives them a calm vibe, like George was a quite, peaceful- person.

The house was mainly decorated with a couple colors, those being blue, beige, forest green, and maroon red. The candles affected the colors ever so lightly, shining and shimmering as the made their way around cozy home.

The curtains glisten in the moon light, shining lightly through the windows. There's a cute decorated house for a cat, mostly beige with forest green accents. There was a sign hanging from one of the roofs of the small cottage-like home.
'Echo' Is the cats name, which suits it.

Echo is asleep in the small cottage-like home, her grey fur shining from the candles around the living room. She was purring silently, dozed off in a peaceful sleep.

Dream kneeled down at the front of the home, and gently rubbed the tip of echos ear, she reminded him of his childhood cat, Patches.

He felt terrible when he realized he would be tearing her human away from her, never to be seen again, not even able to be fed.

"Karl" Dream whispered, motioning Karl his way.

"Yes?" Karl whispered back, looking down at the sight of the cat.

"Take her to the car alright, I'm not leaving her behind—she could starve to death." He whispered, demanding Karl calmly.

Karl smiled and slowly picked up the cat from its home, cradling her in his arms, making his way back out side calmly.

Dream smiled and made his way to the back of the house, where it got more dark and cold, he assumed George would be this way.

Dream searched around each room, soon seeing a light from under one of the doors in the small hallway. It wasn't a regular light, it was colored, blue.

He tilted his head lightly and quietly made his way over to the room. He slowly grabbed the handle and gently turned it, surprised that it was unlocked.

The color of the lights were dim, not making it hard for him to see. He examined the room and all its features. The set up he streamed at stilled calmly, the candles twinkling from the desk, and a small quartz elephant.

Then he examined some more, to find the bed, that his angel was in, sleeping peacefully, dozed off in a calm slumber.

He smiled softly and waved the rest of the boys over, who were peering into the rooms behind him.

"He's in here, sh." Karl smiled and quietly made his way over, leading the other boys behind him. "He looks peaceful.." Karl whispered in awe. "I agree, do you think we can get him out of here without him waking up?" Sapnap replied quitely. "He's a heavy sleeper, trust me." Quackity replied, making his way past Dream, into the boys room.

Dream made his way in as well, heading to a side of the boys bed. Quackity was on the other side, starring down at the angelic boy that rested peacefully.

"You get him Dream, we aren't strong enough." Quackity nodded, quietly making his way over to the boys set up.

Dream scanned the boys face once more, then began to shuffle off the covers off the boy calmly.

George didn't move, he laid quietly. Dream picked him up calmly and softly, wrapping the boys arms around his neck and held his legs around his waist softly, not letting them slip from his touch.

"We good to go?" Quackity whispered.

Dream nodded and they made their way out of the apartment calmly, blowing out all the candles and turning off all the lights.

Dream By Day, Nightmare By Night| DreamNotFoundWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt