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"Ah, I think..that sounds good? Is there a reason for this Alex." George exhaled.

"U-uh..Bad needs to speak with you in a minute, he'll tell you why." Quackity struggled to comprehend.

Dream raised an eyebrow, "quackity, mute."
He whispered.

"Um-I'll be right back George, one sec."

The table went silent.

"Your making him suspicious, I can hear it in his voice, stop stuttering and ask him."

"Dream, it's hard—I never ask him such weird questions—he'll get even more suspicious."

"Listen, quackity. Stop being a pussy, and ask the dude." Tommy barged.

"Language. Tommy."

"Sorry bad, it's just he's so annoying-"


"Sorry, Dream."

"George, are—are you near anyone right now?"

"No? What the hell, why"

"We need information for that mission, and also language."

"Bad, now is when you need information? It's 7 at night, you know I have to stream-"

"George. Now."

George let out a sigh, "you know what, fine." He trailed off, going back into reality, "Tubbo is apparently his son, and—treating him..negatively."

"Negatively? Like, abuse wise..?"

"Unfortunately, yes. That's one out of many problems.."

"Many?!" Bad shouted, eagerly.

"Bad, calm down. We just need to get him out—and then deal with shlatt. It seems easy."

"Easy?!" Dream whispered, shockingly.

Bad nodded and turn back into realization, "George, are you sure this is so called, easy to you?"

"Bad, who am I."

"Sorry..I forgot.."

"Right, now anything else while I'm here?"

"No, no thank you, we've—I've got it covered, thanks though, Mr. Davidson."

The table dropped their jaws, shocked by the name that rolled of bags tongue.

The call ended shortly after, "MR. DAVIDSON?!" Dream shouted, astonished by the name.

"George is a Davidson?! What the hell, how did you get him to work for you?!"


Dream cocked his head to the side and turn to quackity, "care to explain."

" I said, we've been best friends for awhile, and then all of the sudden he met Bad, and then boom. Job completed. Now we have more data then ever!" Quackity exclaimed.

Dream grinned, "perfect. He'll fit right in then."

"Fit in where?" Tommy gleamed.

"Very funny, Tommy." He trailed off, "Bed time, go. Now."

Tommy groaned and made his way out the door.

"See you guys tomorrow morning, thanks for the information." Dream croaked, making his way out the office.

The sound of discord went off, Dream just staring at the ceiling, day dreaming about that, guys sweet voice.

He didn't get up to check it, he kept replying the man's accent through his head, playing like melody's in the wind.

Why is he thinking about him? Is it a sign?

Dream smiled and tried to dream about the guys face, seeing something more beautiful then ever.

The dreamt guy has dark, brown soft hair, the most beautiful smile, the softest colored skin, that sparkled in the moonlight, waiting for someone to grab him, and swoop him off his feet.

Dream dreamed about him, holding him, hugging him, speaking to him. It was like a fairy tale.

His laugh was pure, like a field of clovers, just waiting to be picked, by that special person.

His giggle filled his heart, clicking in with the other puzzle pieces, making chills send down his spine.

He started to get all warm, but why? Was this boy changing him?

All he could think of was his soft hands, running his fingers through Dreams hair. Now, that. Felt like heaven.

He shifted in another position, making his back more comfortable, he smiled and soon drifted off to sleep, forgetting about the discord message, but not the melody.

"Dream, come on! Please?!" Karl begged.

"No, I'm sorry Karl. Order online, it's to risky."

"Cant sapnap go with me?! Please come on.."

"I'm sorry, we have to worry about George and Technoblade at the moment. Maybe some other time, ok?"

"Fine, but when George gets here, we are becomes best friends, and leaving your grumpy butt out."

"I would like to see you try karl, but good luck."

"Your so mean!" Karl groaned.

"To bad, go whine to Nick."

"He's not gonna do anything with me, is quackity here?"

"Yeah, but he's on the phone with George."

"Ughhhh...this is so boring!" 

"Want something to do, instead of annoying me?"

"You've got my attention."

"Well...research tickets to fly to London tomorrow afternoon, got it?"

"Wait, we're actually going to London?!"

"Yes, If you get us the tickets." Dream smirked.

"On it! Thank u, Dream!" Karl shouted, running to the elevator.

"Anytime.." Dream muttered.

Dream By Day, Nightmare By Night| DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now