London, UK.

972 38 20

(Idk: song suggestions: whatever calm playlist you have.)

The plane ride wasn't to long, mainly because they all slept most the time, trying to pass the time before their mission finally begun.

Ah, yes. the mission. the one they've been working on for weeks. Now, it doesn't seem like its been that long, but surprisingly it has.

"calling all passengers of this plane to London, UK. We shall be landing in a matter of 5 minuets, I repeat, 5 minuets." the over head speaker alerted.

Dream fiddled with the rings on his fingers, trying to clam his nerves, which obviously never worked.

"hey, you alright dude?" sapnap asked, getting up to make his way over to dream, who was obviously dreading that.

Sapnap sat beside dream, handing him a water bottle in the moment, "sorry, you looked like you need one.."

"oh- um, thanks.." Dream muttered, taking the water slowly from sapnap's hand.

"nervous?" Sapnap noted, tapping his foot slowly.

"Yeah--yeah, I kinda am.."

"yeah, I get that, this is one of our farthest missions ever.


"Its not just that, huh.?"

Dream took a deep breath in, "'s--it's not just that.." he exhaled throughout his words.

"Scared he won't like you...?"

"not--not really that--it's really like, i'm--i'm scared he won't trust--trust me after we..."

"kidnap him, force him to help us, get him to like you..?"

"yes, yes. exactly that."

"right, I figured."

Dream let out a strained sigh, " I mean, I don't even know the guy!"

"But, you like him..?"

"yes--yes, it seems weird,'s just something about him--ok..?"

"it's not weird--well not to me--but yeah..I understand don't worry"

"Don't worry?! Dude, I'm in love with a guy I don't even fucking know!"

"Dream! Calm down, we will figure something out, we always do!"

They sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to say.

Sapnap sighed, "listen, are flight lands in..2 minutes. You'll be fine—We'LL be fine, Dream!"

"Ok, ok. I'll—i'll listen to you.."

"Good, thank you." Sapnap replied, getting up to get his stuff together.

They exited the plane shortly after,!each one of them re-bundling in a group again.

"Hey! I haven't seen day light in a fat minute." Sapnap giggled, wrapping his arm around Karl's shoulder.

Karl giggled back, "there were windows on the plane y'know?"

"Yeah, yeah, windows, cool." Sapnap replied, hesitatinly rolling his eyes.

"Ok, ok, lover boys—lets get work done." Quackity stepped around them, shoving his way through the group.

Tommy shrugged and trotted his way behind Quackity, listening to whatever song was playing through his ear buds.

Dream huffed and started following along, while the rest followed also.

"Ok, hotel location?" Dream said, tapping the leather of the steering wheel with his finger.

"Hm...let me—oh! Got one, it's about 5 minutes away from here." Bad replied, tapping away at the tablet in his hands.

"Directions?" Dream replied, fiddling with the ring that stayed on his ring finger.

"Oh, right—um, stay straight—then...take a left." Bad directed.

Dream nodded and led their way towards the hotel, makings few turns here and there.

They made it shortly after, setting their stuff in their rooms.

It turned night shortly after, so Dream decided to go lay down, to see a notification pop up.

'GeorgeNotFound is Live! Click here to watch.

He smiled and plopped on his pillow, clicking the notification instantly.

The sound of George's voice rang through his ears perfectly, making his heart skip a beat a bit.

"Hey guys! I'm back, it's been a while hasn't it?"

Dream smiled and giggled at the sight of George's face popping up on the screen, having the biggest smile ever.

It was like he was looking at a angel, that just feel through the clouds, shortly to be in Dreams hands.

His hair was perfectly laid to the side of his forehead, his eyes were beaming with happiness, and his smile the brightest you've ever seen.

His heart filled with joy as remember he was in London, soon to be looking at him in real life, just not how he imagines.

"Oh! I looked up that dream guy you guys were spamming the other day, he seems pretty cool, and he's really popular, which was crazy sense I'm not even close to 100k!"

Dream frowned a bit, how could the most beautiful person on the planet, have no followers..?! That's bullshit, people are so blind, what the fuck.

"Anyways! This is a just chatting stream—but that gets boring so—lets play some GeoGuesser!"

Dream tilted his head in awe, and he's smart..what a god he is..who made this angel?

George stared playing and got everything right. He had been streaming for an hour, and was getting kinda tired, so he ended.

Dream sigh and rolled over while his phone laid on the bed side table next to him.

The sound of George's voice rang through his head again, he snuggled with the blankets that kept him warm.

This feeling was amazing, dress never felt it before.

What was it? Love? Fate? Hope? Whatever it was, Dream wanted to feel like this forever.

His fluttered his eyes shut and drifted off to sleep, feeling the warmth of his love, that wrapped around his head like a warm blanket, Waiting to be attached to a person.

Him. He was the boy, and the only boy that mattered.

Dream By Day, Nightmare By Night| DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now