"It's for my pain. My doc says it releases endorphins in the brain and helps keep my pain at a manageable level."

"Really?" George asks.

"George! Hall!" George walks out strangely.

"What is this?" Izzie asks.

"Nasty, Naughty Nurses... um-" She looks at the TV. "4."

Evi, Meredith, Izzie and Cristina tilt their heads while looking at the screen.

"That does not look comfortable." Evi comments.

"Trust me. It's not." Meredith says, earning stares from Cristina, Izzie and Evi.

"Get in the hall!"


The interns stand near the nurse's station.

"O'Malley, Karev, Jensen you're in the pit today. Stevens, there's a cardiac patient waiting up for you on 2. Yang, keep an eye on the Lamott's. I don't want any problems. Go."


"Okay." Evi says.

"Pete Willoughby, 25 year old, GSW to the chest. Immediate return of 860 CCs of blood from the chest." The officer says.

"Oh Man! This hurts." Pete says from inside the room.

"He's put out more than 200 CCs in the past hour." A doctor says.

"They never tell you in the movies how much it hurts to get shot." Pete groans.

"Push morphine, 2mg. Alex, is this my case." George says completely forgetting about Evi.

"Morphine, 5mg. You didn't even call him." Alex retorts.

"I don't have to call him. I was here first."

"Okay children," Evi says stepping in, grabbing the attention of George, Alex and the officer. "I'll take this one, Where's his chest films?" She says.

"I got it. You always get the surgery. Today, I'm getting a surgery." George complains.

"Guys. Knock it off." Evi says.

"He's one of Seattle's finest. You've got an entire police force watching you..." A doctor says.

"Page Dr. Burke. Let him know I'm bringing up a GSW." Evi tells a hear.

"No, that "we" are bringing up a GSW." Alex says, making Evi roll her eyes.


"You got shot in the line of duty?" Alex says.

"First month on the job. Can you believe my luck? A guy pulls a gun and I freeze up. The rookie let himself get shot. I'm never gonna live this down." Pete says with difficulty.

"Sure, you will." Evi comforts.

"You think?" He asks her.



"So, dude, what's the deal with Izzie?" Alex asks George.

"She shaved her legs for you." George says.


"And you didn't even kiss her goodnight."

"She shaved her legs for you and you didn't follow through?" Pete butts in.

"Hey, I follow through. I always follow through."

George half laughs. "You didn't last night."

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