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How do you think being a writer has helped you as a person?

For me, writing and reading go hand-in-hand — I don't think one can really be a writer without being a reader first — so in that way, my entire personhood has been shaped by words and fictional characters. I've learned so much about the world from the books I've read, and then I get to process and work through my own feelings and experiences through writing my own stories. Overall, I think storytelling has made me a more empathetic, understanding, and caring person that has a deep love for humanity and the world — I'm not sure I'd really have the mindset I do if it wasn't for the books that shaped me.

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What do you identify as?

Queer! <3

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If you're able to, can you tell us what you're currently working on or what's in store for the readers?

Lately, I've been really focused on my short story writing, which I don't often publish on Wattpad. I've also been thinking a lot about a third novel following Sam and Cameron, so I would love to really plan and work on that when I have more free time.

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Do you have any favorite writers on Wattpad?

I love writing00introvert, solacing, iSawJamesFirst, and MeiSummer, among many others!

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What is the best writing advice you received? What advice can you give to the writers out there?

Read, read, read! Read as much as you can! Reading authors you like is really the best way to learn how to write.

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If you were deserted on an island, which three people would you want to have with you? Why? Criteria 1- One fictional character from your book 2- One fictional character from any other book 3- One famous person that is not a family member or friend

From my book, I'd want Cameron Beckett, who is such a sweetheart. I also think he'd be a great problem solver. From any other book, maybe Percy Jackson — honestly, for the same reasons. Plus, I always had a crush on Percy Jackson when I was younger. As for any other famous person... maybe Zendaya? You know what, let's just invite everyone I have a crush on!

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Now that you learned a little bit about MAndALaptop, you can join other Wattpaders in adding her story The Sound of Ice to your reading list for your next read!

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Title: The Sound of Ice

Genre: Teen Fiction

Rating: For Everyone

Rating: For Everyone

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

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Cameron Beckett, a talented hockey player in the CHL, has to deal with the pressures of making it into the NHL, passing his classes, and accepting his sexuality. 


Cameron Beckett is the ace and co-captain of his hockey team, but he's failing his math class so badly that his coach threatens to bench him if he doesn't improve his grades. He turns to Sam, his next-door neighbour, only to start developing feelings for him that he's not ready to confront. Cameron pulls away, afraid that his sexuality will cost him any chance of being drafted into the NHL. But when Sam needs him the most, Cameron can't be there for him, making him question whether his fear of coming out is actually holding him back. 

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Other Works:

The Multitudes Within Me (Teen Fiction)

The City Sleeps for Me (Short Story)

storms in the desert (Poetry)

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We appreciate you giving us some of your time to let us interview you, MAndALaptop! We will be looking forward to even more great stories from you! Keep up the great work!

Warmest vibes,

The LGBTQIAP+ Family

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