Chapter 23 : Traitor

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He smelled like a tropical fruits and citrus wood perfume. And his hairs , well they smelled like my shampoo. I chuckled softly.

"I missed you."
"I missed you more."
"You can't."
He rolled his eyes and just let me kiss his neck.

All over his manly scent there was a lingering floral and fruity scent which certainly didn't belong to him.

He hates these type of scent.
" You smell like flowers." I muttered.

"It's Ariana Grande's perfume. Tina has lots of it."

"Who is she?" I asked.
" I'll introduce you to her when I take you to meet my family . She's one of the -." he was cutoff by his phone.

I looked at him and then his phone. He took out his phone from the pocket and it was 'her'. His friend Tina.

He jumped away quickly, picking it up making me confused but suspicious.
He went to a corner and talked in hushed voice. But I still heard part of it.

'he would never cheat on me , we are soulmates right? He knows my past'
A weird maddening and jealousy filled through invade my mind.

I shook it off as soon as it came. He can never. He will never I know that. I trust him and we are soulmates.
Why would he cheat and he said she's family.

He ended his call and came back to me.

"Babe I gotta go , I need to meet someone for some things I asked. They need to be hand delivered to me since they're important and fragile." He said.

"Important duty calls huh prince Nyx?" I asked teasing him and I think I knew exactly well who it was he was Going to meet.

"Yep duty calls , hard being a fucking prince you know!
You'll know when you'll be A part of the royal family beside me.
My king, my master" He flirted and kissed my cheek.

And then with a chaste kiss on my lips he left in his vampire speed.

I stared at him.

He lied to me. I knew he went to meet her but then why'd he said duty calls?


My mind was a mess of thoughts after that.

Maybe it was some work call and I'm just overthinking.
I forget that unlike me he does not have just a company he has like entire races , an entire world to rule and govern.

Obviously he's busy in stuff and I'm happy that even though this he finds time for me like he should.

Anyone else would be crushed under the huge pressure.
He would never cheat on me . I should be ashamed of myself to even think of that. Just because he went to meet a girl does not means he'll cheat. What the hell is wrong with me?
He would never do that Nyx is not like that, he's loyal.

It's basically his first relationship and he would certainly not do that to me.

He was waited for me his entire life and now when he found me why would he cheat on me?

I was so busy with my thoughts that I didn't knew when Lance entered.

"Hey man what's up?" He asked.

"Nothing much just work." I replied and went back to work but kept thinking about Nyx.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked.
"Oh its nothing." I shrugged.

"I know there is something bothering you. Just spill it." He urged me to speak and I sighed.
"Nothing just Nyx is being distant from me. And he's been out too much. I miss him " I confesses.

The Vampire Prince ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora