🖤Hearts Shine With SOULS🖤

Start from the beginning

*Twilight shines through the dark windows

*Blood stains the ground

*Count Bleck and Dim the Pixl stand between you and the absolute

*It seems your journey is coming to an end

*You are filled with...


Blumiere: It would have been best if you had just stayed dead. Now we must do this the hard way.

I looked over at Dim and he refused to meet my gaze.

Blumiere: Goodbye.

Blumiere took up his staff and Dim held up his attachments. Blumiere destroyed the [🔪FIGHT] and Dim destroyed the [💰ITEM] option.

*Count Bleck and Dim the Pixl attack!

I selected the [🎉ACT] and saw four options.

*Check              *Talk

*FIGHT              *ITEM

I selected *FIGHT.

*I look around for pieces of the button

My SOUL went into the box.

Blumiere: You may have defeated me before, but this time shall be different.

Dim: ...

I went back to the options. Er, option. 

*They look to be planning something...

I went to the [🎉ACT] and then used *FIGHT again.

*I pick up a piece of the button

My SOUL went into the battle. Waves of butterfly-shaped attacks rained down on me from both sides as I narrowly dodged. Magic projectiles surrounded me in a circle and I got hit. 

HP 99/108


I went back to the option and used [🎉ACT] and then *FIGHT.

*I pick up the other piece of the button

More butterfly attacks came at me but from all four corners this time. I dodged them all and was back to the option and used [🎉ACT].


The [🔪FIGHT] button reappeared! My SOUL went to the box. Around me were magic projectiles. Blumiere's eyes flashed different colors. Blue, blue, red, blue, red, red. The projectiles closed in around me as Blumiere swiped his staff at me. I was able to dodge Blumiere's attacks, but not Dim's.

HP 94/108


I went and used [🔪FIGHT]. I got a critical hit on Blumiere and he lurched forward onto the floor. He was dead.

Dim: Tch... I was hoping that I wouldn't have to use this ever again. 

I became suspicious immediately. Was he going to kill me?

Mr.L: What are you talking about..?

Dim: Every Pixl has its own unique ability, L. And mine might just be enough to knock some common sense back into you.

He twirled around and began to glow. As soon as the glow died down, he looked a bit run down, like how Nastasia did... All of a sudden...

Blumiere stood up.

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