Chapter 14: Regrouping

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Julia and Valerie darted down a hallway and emptied into the hangar. They hid behind a stack of crates just as the Storm Elite chasing them entered the room. It growled under its breath and slowly walked through the area. The two Felinas panted silently as they prayed it wouldn't find them. Julia peeked over the top of the crates and saw the Elite stalking the other side of the room. She ducked back down. She looked at Valerie who had taken out a notebook and a pencil from her satchel and was writing.

Julia: Whispering "Are you seriously writing right now?!"
Valerie: Whispering "It helps me keep calm, okay!"
Valerie's hand was shaking as she wrote what seemed to be a general description of the Elites. Her hand jolted the pencil as she was writing and the pencil was knocked out of her hand. She desperately tried to catch it but to no avail, the pencil clacking it's way across the floor. The Elite immediately turned towards the noise and headed towards their position, its footsteps thudding against the metallic ground. Julia poked her head to the side and saw the Elite and hurriedly ducked back.

Julia: Whispering "I think it knows we're here!"

The Elite rounded the corner of the crates and roared, the two Felinas shrieking in fear and closing their eyes, preparing for the inevitable. The energy sword crackled as it burned through flesh, a bit of blood splattering against the wall and floor. Julia slowly opened her eyes and saw the Elite with an energy sword piercing its chest. It fell on the floor with a heavy thud, the energy sword that killed it floating in midair.

Ghost: "Are you two alright?"

Ghost's form materialized out of the air, the active camouflage unit that he took from the Elite attached to the back of his armor. Julia was about to answer before Valerie threw herself around Ghost.

Valerie: Hurriedly "Oh my goodness thank you so much sir I thought I was going to die to that thing and then you came and saved me I owe you my life!"
Ghost was a bit stunned at the cat girl that was now hugging him.

Ghost: "Oh-I uh, it...just doing my job, heh."

Crimson and Arthur soon entered after him.

Crimson: "Looks like Operation Lovestruck was a success!"
Ghost: "Crimson! What kind of a name is that?!"

Ghost tried to peel Valerie off of him to shorten the embarrassing situation he was caught in. He thanked God that she couldn't see him blushing so much under his helmet. As she got off of him, she looked at him confused.

Valerie: "What's 'Operation Lovestruck'?"

Ghost: Nervous "Nothing! Nothing at all. Don't listen to him."

Crimson couldn't help but let out a chuckle. Ghost cleared his throat and looked at him.

Ghost: "Don't we have some more pressing matters at hand?"

Crimson: "You're right, you're right. Okay, you three, do you have any idea where your crewmates might be? Do you have any tracking devices to find them?"

Arthur: "No, we don't have any of that. That Covenant kept us occupied so as to not keep track of where our friends are."

Julia: "Then it looks like we'll have to go find them ourselves."

Valerie: "Together, right?"

Crimson nudged Ghost closer to Valerie in a low-key manner.

Crimson: "Together. After all, you might need our help again. Ain't that right, Ghost?"

Ghost: "Oh yeah, for sure. We'll find your friends together."

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