Chapter 20: Home

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The flags of Conchord swayed in the wind and leaves shook in the oak trees. The citizens of Oakendale started their day as the sun rose over the capital and quickly populated the streets. It had been over a week since the crew of the Explorer went missing. The majority of the public had concluded that they had died tragically, and while they had moved on, the families of the crew were still clinging to hope that they were still out there, though they still felt broken and sad. Concord official Floyd was running out of hope to give them, and he was also being worn down by the people expecting answers from him. He leaned on his desk, sleeping, exhausted from the all-nighters he had been using to work on how to put people at ease and how to possibly track the Explorer. There were papers scattered around his desk with plans from scientists and redstone engineers. He slowly woke up as he felt the rays of sun coming in through the window of his office. He sat up and leaned back in his chair, combing his hair with his fingers as he did so, and yawned. As he groggily walked around his desk to open the door and step out into the hall, two Conchord street guards burst into the room in a panic, startling Floyd.

Floyd: "Good god, knock first, gentlemen!"

Guard: "There's no time for knocks! A ship is approaching Biggerton!"

Floyd's eyes widened.

Guard 2: "But there's a slight problem."

Floyd became confused and concerned.

Floyd: "Slight problem? How slight?"

Guard: "It's not the Explorer."

He groaned with dread.

Floyd: "Not again...You're saying an unidentified alien vessel is approaching Ardonia?"

Guard: "Yes."

Floyd: "Engage all defenses, mobilize our forces, contact the Primesingers, and prepare for the worst gentlemen. If that ship shows any sign of hostility I want Conchord ready for action."

The two street guards saluted and hastily went off to carry out the orders. Within moments people were rushing around Oakendale in a craze while soldiers geared up with Droug weapons and rode off to Biggerton, where the massive shape of a ship was already visible in the sky. Malin Sendaris and Lyra Voltaris portalled into the scene, bringing several Ardoni with them as well as the Primesingers. This time, the Ardonians were equipped with modified Droug technology and ready for an attack. The three Primesingers stood in the front, the first to face the potential enemy. Armored Conchord soldiers on foot and horseback stood behind them with two iron golems standing by. Humans, Ardoni, Felinas, and Magnorites watched in suspense as the craft made its landing. They were a little relieved that this ship hadn't blown them all to kingdom come like the last one. The UNSC ship landed in the Explorer's launch site in Biggerton, blowing dust and dirt in a large wave towards the crowd.

As it completely touched down, the ship's engines quieted down to a low hum. The doors on the ship opened, and pressurized air fogged the Ardonian's view of what lay beyond. A blurry purple light suddenly came into view through the fog and gradually became brighter. A figure was walking out of the ship, becoming clearer as they stepped closer. Hadis' eyes slowly widened in surprise as he saw Ligo emerge from the ship, with a big smile on his face.

Ligo: "Hadis!"

The Primesingers were speechless yet overjoyed as Ligo ran to give them all a hug. They saw Bralia following behind him who also hugged them tight.

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