Chapter 2: Interviews

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Haden and Ava, along with anyone who had family on the Explorer were panicking. Why had the ship not appeared in Hogtown? Sharptooth was also getting uneasy, seeing everyone concerned. The crowd started to erupt in questions of worry. They soon surrounded the command building, demanding answers.

Floyd: "Please, everyone, we're trying the best we can-"

Ardoni: "Where did the ship go?"

Human: "What happened to the crew?"

Felina: "Are they okay? What do we do now?"

Shielded guards blocked the mob of people and kept them back. The other kingdom officials passed through to get a grasp on the situation, disappearing behind the doors. They grouped together in a meeting room.

Gammah: "Talk to us, what went wrong?"

Haden: "My daughter is up there. We were assured everything on the ship was checked twice!"

Halia: "Can you bring them back from here?"

Floyd: "Please, settle down, all of you. This entire predicament could just be the result of a simple power surge. Everyone on that ship is perfectly capable of tracing the problem to the source and fixing it."

K'arthen Leader: "And how long will that be?"

Floyd: "Well...I don't know. It would depend on the seriousness of the issue."

Halia: "You said it was a simple power surge."

Haden: "How do we know you're doing everything that you can?"

Floyd: "You think I'm not worried? I sent people up in that ship as well, Haden. Everyone down there at the entrance and in this room has someone they care about. You think I wanted this to happen? We're doing all we can from where we are, but if we can't even communicate with them, our ability to help is severely limited. We can do what we can, and then...we just have to wait and pray. In the end, it'll be up to them. And I have every faith that they can solve this."

The cars whipped through the plains and to the mountains, the roaring engines filling the air. The blue and red men sat in the lead car, the gold ones following in a single-file line. The blue one took out a radio from the car.

Ghost: "This is Ghost and Crimson, returning from the expedition. We are returning with eleven foreigners, over."

A feminine voice crackled through the radio.

"Understood, the gates are open, over."

A squat, concrete structure came into view on the base of a mountain, the maw of an open hangar door allowing the cars to drive into the mountain and into the real base. They came to a stop in an underground hangar filled with multiple other cars, tanks, and flying vehicles, all which fascinated the Ardonians. Ghost and Crimson dismounted their car, and the others followed suit.

Crimson: "Alright, strangers, you're going to be taken to a holding cell where we will question you. I have no idea if you can understand me, but I guess that will be clear soon enough."

Even if the Ardonians couldn't understand him, the pointing of guns and orders being said made it plenty clear that they were supposed to go somewhere. They walked down a long hallway, eventually taking a left and being presented by a row of large rooms missing a front wall. When they were herded inside, one of the soldiers pressed a button, causing a forcefield to box them in. They soon left, leaving the crew by themselves.

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