Chapter 11: Security

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Alderas and Charlotte were with the guard, picking some suitable weapons for battle.

Alderas: "Is there any way for us to see an Elite or whatever it's called before it attacks?"

Guard: "The easiest way to tell is if they're moving, their invisibility becomes less effective that way."

Alderas: " least it's something."

Charlotte: "How do we know if they're all gone?"

Guard: "We don't."

Alderas: Sarcastic "That's comforting."

Guard: "It'll be fine. Just hit them with a few rounds and they'll be done."

The guard went to push the door open when it suddenly slammed open and a Storm Elite materialized in front of them with its energy blade drawn. The guard cursed in surprise and raised his gun to fire, but was soon stabbed right through the chest. He let out some pained gasps and final breaths before he fell to the floor, dead. Arthur exclaimed in fear while Valerie yelped at the sight. A second Elite appeared out of thin air next to Julia, and a third close to Valerie and Arthur and started to attack. They couldn't get to Alderas and Charlotte with the Elites in their way. Their only option was to run out of the armory. Arthur shot some bullets from his Magnum at one Elite while the other targeted the Felinas.

Alderas: "Arthur, get away from it now!"

Arthur: "We won't leave you!"

Alderas: "It'll kill you if you stay, go!"

Arthur showed some hesitation in his face. Without taking his eyes off the Elite, he shouted to Julia and Valerie.

Arthur: "Julia, Valerie, get out of here!"

Julia: "What about you?!"

Arthur: "I'll catch up, go!"

The Felinas fled the armory chased by an Elite while Arthur kept firing at the other. It was suddenly shot in the back of the head from Alderas' gun, it's forcefield weakening considerably. Arthur took his chance to get to Valerie and Julia, who didn't have weapons. The Elite turned to Alderas who kept blasting. It soon collapsed on the ground dead.

Charlotte: "Alderas!"
Alderas turned around, only to be smacked into the wall hard. The blow knocked the air out of his lungs and he wheezed as he fell to the floor. He looked up to see the Elite about to strike him dead before it was shot in the side. The Elite roared and turned to Charlotte. She held her pistol with a stern expression on her face. She pulled the trigger, yellow light flashing from the shots at the Storm Elite. Its blade was knocked out of its hand from a stray shot and its forcefield broke as Charlotte unloaded her clip into it. Her gun suddenly clicked, and she was out of bullets. The Elite charged her and shoved her to the floor. She felt a sharp pain on her cheek as the Elite managed to just graze her with its claws. She kept backing away until an energy blade shot out from the Elite's chest. It let out some pained, guttural sounds and fell before her. Alderas stood in front of her, panting. He retracted the energy blade and held out his hand. She took it and got up.

Charlotte and Alderas: In unison "Thanks, are you okay?"

They chuckled at their jinx.

Alderas: "Alright, let's see if that late night wandering paid off."

They exited the armory and started walking down the twisting hallways, shoving open the doors they came across. It wasn't long until they came across the first few bodies of dead guards.

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