Chapter 3: The Misunderstanding

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Steel stood in the central control room of the base, Ghost, Crimson, and a guard by her side. Countless screens showed all areas of the base, as well as the outside. One screen showed the Ardonians in their apartment.

Steel: "They've been withholding information from us?"

Guard: "Yes ma'am. We're not sure what these 'Songs' are that they refer to, but we have a feeling it's not the regular songs that we sing."

Crimson: "Do you want me to loosen 'em up a bit?"

Steel: "No. We don't know how powerful these Songs are, and if they're spies working for the Covenant, we need to know the full extent of their abilities."

Ghost: "What do you want to do, Commander?"

Steel: "We wait for them to reveal these Songs. Ghost, I want you and your team to repair their ship as fast as possible. Dig through their archives to see if they've had any contact with the Covenant."

Ghost: "Right away."

The crewmates sat around a table in the underground apartment having a little dinner with the food and water provided. Thankfully, there was enough to go around.

Alderas: "Did they tell any of you who they are?"

Magmar: "The one called Steel said 'all in due time' when I asked. I hope it's sooner rather than later."

Arthur: "Well I hope it's not anything unpleasant."

Charlotte: "Ligo, do you think Cognos can tell you anything about our situation?"

Ligo: "I can try, it's knowledge should be universal. I'm surprised they didn't check our inventories for our stuff, considering the security here."

Ligo then brought out an enchanted diamond staff. He held it tight and closed his eyes. Cognos started to glow brighter and everyone waited expectantly. The staff dimmed to its normal state and Ligo opened his eyes.

Ligo: "Spartans, they're called Spartans. This planet is called Nostrak. Steel is indeed the one in charge, so she's been telling the truth. The Spartan in blue armor is called Ghost, and the one who brought us here is Crimson, the one in red armor."

Ligo's eyes widened with worry.

Ligo: "And we're being monitored..."

Everyone immediately went quiet.

Bralia: "This is just a glorified prison cell."

Cade: "Who's to say they're even fixing our ship? They could be dismantling it for parts."

Ligo: "You're right, Cade, but I got the feeling that they don't want us here any longer than we have to be. There's something else here, I'm just not sure what."

Dystrion: "Despite there being no forcefield like our last abode, we still can't just walk out. There's probably hundreds of other guards here, and a facility like this in the middle of nowhere with no sign of any civilization around makes it seem like we weren't supposed to find it. It's probably heavily guarded not just by those here, but something from the outside as well."

Alderas: "This is just perfect. Trillions of miles away from Ardonia, with no means to communicate with home, a crashed ship, and possibly hostile Spartans who may want to study us."

Asa: "Now why would they do that?"

Dystrion: "The Drougs did it to us, and when we defeated them, we did the same. That's the way the cookie crumbles."

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