Chapter 4: Nowhere To Go

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Curses of anger emanated from an adjoining room where Crimson stood. A guard walked out not long after, defeated. Crimson spoke into a radio.

Crimson: "Five people have tried and all report that they can't get it to activate."

Steel: Through radio "Keep trying. That shield's got to work for someone."

Crimson: "Doesn't look like it. Should I go back to giving the visitors some training exercises?"

Steel: "Fine, but start with the purple one. If he could find out what this planet was, he may find out why we're here. I want to know how he learned about us and what that staff he has does."

A day had passed since the Droug Mothership had disappeared from Ardonia and no one had heard anything from them. Floyd was sitting in the command building with the other officials and the families or friends of the crew members who were onboard.

Floyd: "We've sent countless messages to the Explorer, but we haven't had a reply back yet."

Haden: "They should have responded by now. Something bad must have happened."

Hadis: "Bralia and Ligo are still alive. If they weren't I would have felt them pass on just as I did with Emmilia."

Flixii: "Have you at least figured out where they are?"

Floyd: "I'm afraid not. Everything started shutting down shortly after the teleport. We're not sure if something happened during the teleport or if an external factor has done all this."

Halia: "There has to be something that we can do from here. Maybe we could build another ship?"

Floyd: "It would take years to build another ship capable of teleportation. It took us this long to build upon an already existing ship, building one from scratch would take even longer."

Ava: "My daughter is up in space, lost and away from home with no contact with us, and you're saying you can't do anything to get her back?!"

Floyd: "Lady Ava, I know you're upset, but we all have to remain calm-"

Ava: "Remain calm?! You want me to remain calm when yesterday could have been the last time I'll ever see Charlotte?! I never should have let her go on that ship to begin with."

Hadis: "The crew is strong, I'm sure they'll make it back...hopefully..."

They all went silent, none of them wanting to know if the crew would never return back to Ardonia. Loud static suddenly broke the silence, forcing those inside to cover their ears.

Gammah: "By David, what is that awful noise?!"

One of the screens in the building turned on, the static lowering slightly as the screen slowly focused, the wrecked interior of the Droug ship barely distinguishable. Noise started playing out of the speakers.

Guard: "Sir, we brought the comms back online."

Ghost soon walked into view of the camera.

Ghost: "Can you tell if anyone is there?"

Guard: "Not yet, sir. The rest of the ship is still reactivating from having its power drained."

Ghost: "Leave the comms off for now, we'll turn them back on once the utilities are fully operational."

The screen went dark and the speakers went silent. Everyone looked at each other.

Legends of Ardonia 4: Destination BoundWhere stories live. Discover now