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A man was heard scolding some people in a dark room with various orange lights and cores. He was gesturing wildly to a hologram and did not look happy at all.

Human: "What do you mean 'miscalculation'?!"

Felina: "We couldn't see the bug in the simulation!"

Human: "Find a solution right now or-"

A young Mendoris walked into the room with a glowing diamond staff on his back.

Mendoris Primesinger: "Is there a problem? Why are you shouting?"

Human: "This shouldn't concern you, we'll handle it."

Mendoris: "If it's about the ship, it most certainly does concern me."

As the two of them were arguing, the orange lights in the room went dark. Everyone fell silent. A man and a woman were looking out a window in the ship with worried looks on their face.

Felina Female: "I don't remember Ardonia looking like that when we left..."

Human Male: "Dear god..."

The man in charge immediately rushed to a monitor on the ship and frantically tried using it.

Mendoris: "What's happening?"

Human: "Tell everyone to brace themselves now!"

The Ardoni became incredibly worried at the urgency in his voice and ran to another room where he was met by Charlotte Herring, who seemed to have grown up.

Charlotte: "Ligo, what's going on?"

Ligo: "Tell everyone to brace themselves!"

Not long after, the entire place shook violently, causing Charlotte and Ligo to stumble. They held onto something as other people nearby gasped and cried out from the tremor. A few sparks lit up the dark interior as wires snapped overhead. Charlotte and Ligo quickly exited the room to see fire lighting up a portion of the ship from above. Another explosion rang out from the fire and a beam of metal fell down from the ceiling, heading towards the two. The beam was then suddenly wrapped in Supporium energy as a Voltaris stood nearby, straining against the weight.

Voltaris: "Into the safe room, now!"

Charlotte and Ligo ran, the Voltaris dropping the beam soon after and running after them. They entered a small room, packed with other people, all of them Ardoni, human, or Felina, and a single Magnorite. Once the three were inside, the Voltaris used Supporokesis on the door, slowly dragging the heavy metal plate shut. Everyone strapped into a seat, bracing themselves. A loud, terrible screeching sound resonated through the hull before the ship jerked violently, and everyone passed out.

Charlotte woke up to the sound of another explosion. She slowly opened her eyes and saw white beams of light coming from the now open and mangled door, a bit of smoke filling the room. Heavy metallic footfalls could be heard as her vision slowly focused.

"Who the heck are they?"
"I think the better question is what the heck are they?"

Standing in front of her were two figures, each clad in a foreign armor. Their helmets sported a visor, and they each held guns that looked different than the ones the Drougs had, equipped with a flashlight on the end. One's armor was a pale blue while the other was a bright red.

"You think they're Covenant?"
"No idea, but better safe than sorry. Alright guys, put your hands where we can see them and don't make any sudden moves. You're lucky you all survived this crash in the first place."

The two of them herded the crew out of the ship, where they saw many more similar looking people, all of them with gold-colored armor. The air was surprisingly breathable, but it was not Ardonia. Their ship was on the shoreline of a beach, a plain dotted with a few trees stretching as far as the eye could see. Mountains sat on the horizon with their snow-covered tips. Charlotte turned to Ligo as they were being led to a few cars with turrets on the back of them, something they had never seen before.

Charlotte: "Where...where are we?"

Ligo: "I don't know, but wherever we are, I don't think we're welcome."

Legends of Ardonia 4: Destination BoundWhere stories live. Discover now