Chapter 5: Planetary Contact

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Steel was scrolling through a tablet, reading over the information that Crimson had gathered about Songs.

Steel: "Is this everything there is about them?"

Crimson: "Besides an entire list of all the Songs there are, yes."

Steel: "They don't seem all that powerful, and some of them don't even have four Songs on them. Have you made any progress with that 'all knowing' staff?"

Crimson: "No. A lot of people have held it, but none of them get any all seeing wisdom out of it."

Steel: "These Ardoni are strange."

Crimson: "Did you need anything else, Commander?"

Steel: "No, that will be all."

Crimson nodded and left the room. A buzzing sound caught Steel's attention as a guard turned toward her.

Guard: "The visitors are calling for you."

The doors opened to the apartment, and Steel stood with her arms behind her back. The crew was a bit wary of her now after what Bralia told them.

Steel: "Did you need something?"

Bralia: "Cut the friendliness. We know what you're up to."

Steel: "Really? And what is that?"

Ligo: "You're planning on taking over Ardonia, that's why you were so interested in Songs. You wanted to know how to beat them."

Steel stifled a laugh.

Steel: "You really think I wanted to know how to beat them? I don't know if it has been apparent or not, but we already could have done that. While your kind has just started exploring space we have been chartering its expanse for centuries. Luckily for you if I even wanted to attack your planet I would need permission from my superiors, given you're so far away. Don't worry though, we have plenty of things to keep you all busy while we wait for that potential outcome."

As if on cue, Ghost walked in as well.

Ghost: "Which one of you knows how to fix your ship."

Asa: "Mechanically or electrically?"

Ghost: "Both, doesn't matter."

Asa and Magmar stepped forward.

Ghost: "Alright, you two are coming with me."

He and a few guards escorted them out of the room while Steel stayed behind for a bit longer.

Steel: "Just stay in line and do what you're told, and maybe you all will see your home again."

She left the room, the door closing behind her.

Bralia: "Argh, I should have killed her right there!"

Alderas: "Did you not hear a word she just said? You're supposed to stay in line so we can get out of here."

Bralia: "I'm not going to just sit around while she plans to take over Ardonia!"

Cade: "You don't really have much of a choice. You kill her and this entire place descends on us."

Arthur: "Do I need to remind you what happened with you and Crimson? I'm pretty sure he won that fight."

Bralia: "Well Steel didn't have an arsenal of weapons behind her like he did. I could have won."

Legends of Ardonia 4: Destination BoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora