Chapter 13: A Plan of Sorts

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Magmar led Bralia, Ligo, and Cade to their ship. He remembered the path from the time the Spartans had taken him and Asa. Ligo was slowly helping Cade walk and Bralia had her relic on her arm, alert for danger. The red star kept the sky the color of an Ardonian sunset all day long and a gentle breeze blew through the grasses. If it weren't for the Covenant carrier looming over the clouds it would have been a very pleasant day. Cade suddenly clutched his stomach and tugged at Ligo to set him down.

Cade: Pained "Stop stop stop."

Ligo stopped and carefully laid him up against a smooth boulder on the grass. Cade's breathing was ragged. Ligo kneeled beside him and used his Proteheal Song on him.

Magmar: "It...was time for a break anyway."

The four of them stopped and took in the scenery, but the atmosphere had a solemn and dark feeling.

Magmar: "Don't worry, it won't be too much longer."

Ligo: "I hope not, Cade needs to be able to lie down to heal. This walking isn't exactly helping."

Bralia looked at Cade's state then out to the horizon in the direction of the facility.

Ligo: "Are you okay?"
Bralia: "It's just...I'm the Prime of Protection, I should have been able to protect him from this. And who knows how the rest of the crew is doing."

Magmar: "Hey, you did the best you could. If it weren't for you we probably wouldn't have even lasted this long. It took the Covenant all of those soldiers and vehicles to break through because you helped stop them on their first try."

Bralia sighed heavily.

Bralia: "But that's the problem. My best isn't enough. It took four of us to bring one of those Hunters down, and when we did they just brushed us off like we were a pest. I'm not strong enough for this mission. Hadis should be the one here, not me. We all know he would've dealt with the Covenant in seconds."

Ligo: "No one was expecting this, Bralia. No one knew any of this would happen. Heck, we didn't even know this planet existed before now."

Magmar: "We just need to get through this together. Cade, if you can go through a few more minutes of walking we should reach the Explorer."

Cade: "Yeah, just...give me a little bit."

They let Cade rest for a few minutes before heading off again. The dark form of the Droug mothership slowly became bigger and bigger. They managed to make it before Cade's injuries flared up again, and Ligo set him down on one of the bunk beds inside. Magmar and Bralia looked around at the inside of the ship. The Spartans had left the batteries lying around in their scramble to outrun the Phantoms, so the ship at least had power. However, the ship took a huge beating in the crash. Wires hung loosely from the ceiling, metal plates were scattered along the floor, and a large hole was opened in the hull from when the Explorer crashed into the beach, soft waves of water lapping against the floor.

Magmar: "So it's a bit of a fixer upper, but we can make something out of this, right?"

Bralia gave him an unsure look.

Bralia: "Most I can do right now is keep a lookout."

Ligo: "That'd be nice. Make sure nothing gets the drop on us."

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