Chapter 6: The Covenant

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Valerie laid on the floor with her legs up against the couch, playing with her thumbs. Cade sat in a chair, sleeping soundly. Dystrion was using Supporokesis on random objects, lazily tossing them around in the air. Arthur took Bralia's bandages off, her wounds completely healed having been sped up by Proteheal. Ligo was eating some of the leftovers with Charlotte while Julia read a book she had in her inventory. Needless to say, they were all quite bored. It had been sometime since Magmar and Asa left and they hadn't returned yet. Alderas had had enough and went to push the button to call Steel.

Alderas: "Commander Steel, I'd like to know when you're sending the rest of my crew back."

There was no response.

Alderas: "Steel? Steel! Where are Asa and Magmar?"

He was met with silence.

Alderas: "That's just great."

Ligo: "Weird, why wouldn't she answer?"

Alderas: "I don't know. I don't know why she's not answering, I don't know what's taking Asa and Magmar so long, and I don't know why we haven't seen anyone in a while!"

He sat down on the couch beside Valerie, who was still on the floor. He felt helpless and exasperated. Cade had woken up from his sudden outburst.

Valerie: I'm sure they're fine, Alderas. They're probably just caught up fixing the ship. Maybe they're making some great progress!"

Alderas: "Yeah? I wish I could be that sure."

Charlotte: "You think they locked us in? Who wants to peek outside?"

Alderas: "That doesn't sound so good."

Ligo: "I'll do it."

Bralia: "Ligo, don't."

Ligo: "It's not like we're going anywhere. I'll just take a gander."

Everyone waited nervously as Ligo approached the door. He slowly opened and stuck his head out to see no one. The hall was empty on both sides. He closed the door.

Ligo: "There's no one out there."

Alderas: "Really?"

Ligo: "Yup. It's a ghost hall."

Charlotte was next to peek her head out.

Charlotte: "He's right, it's like the entire place was abandoned."

Julia: "You don't think we should really...?"

Alderas: "That's a no. Steel catches us, and we're dead."

Bralia: "Well I want my relic back, and I think the same goes for Ligo as well."

Cade: "I could scout. I'd be able to hear anyone approaching and I can be pretty quiet."

Alderas: "Cade, don't you start."

Arthur: "We could always just say that the button was broken and we were trying to find someone as a cover up."

Alderas: "Can anyone hear me, helloooo? No one is listening to me right now, I said we're not doing this."

Bralia: "Sorry Cap, but sometimes you gotta follow your heart."

She ran down the hallway, Cade, Ligo, Arthur, and Charlotte running after her.

Alderas: "Sometimes I wonder why the role of Captain even exists."

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