Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen
Family bonding

-" okay?"


"DIEGO'S BEEN STALKING LEE HARVEY Oswald." Luther being the first to break, tattles.

"And you're working for Jack Ruby!" Diego yelled, pointing an accusing finger at his overly large brother.

Klaus who was feeling as if he should jump in to avoid the conflict about to go down said. "Allison has been very involved with local politics."

Said woman scoffed at her brother. "Okay you started a cult." She defended herself.

"I'm... I'm just a nanny on a farm." Vanya began as Klaus made some weird hissing noise as he clawed at the air as if he was a cat. "I don't have anything to do with all of that." Continued Vanya with her statement.

"Well, maybe you do and we just don't know it yet." Allison shrugs from her spot on the couch.

"You guys are missing what's right in front of you. Five is having some weird affair with dad's secret child." Luther butts in again, earning a harsh glare from Five.

Said girl was stood quietly scribbling in her journal about some unfinished theories she talked to Elliott about. Five was about to retort when Diego's sharp whistle echoed throughout the shop. The pale dame jumped slightly, her attention now on them.

"Listen to yourselves, everyrhing in our new lives is connected to Kennedy. That can't be a coincidence." Number two begins looking around at the annoyed faces in the room. They were truly done with this whole topic.

"Luther is working for Ruby, Allison is protesting government officials, Five's buddied up with Dolores who happens to be dad's secret child, Dad is on the grassy knoll, Klaus is.... doing something weird and pervy but probably related. See clearly, we were all sent back here for one special reason." The man paused as if adding suspense. Looking out over his siblings he finally concludes. "Saving John Fitzgerald Kennedy."

Not a second after the room erupted into loud disagreement between the Hargreeves. All but one. There in the commotion stood the raven haired teenager, a spaced out look on his face and fear reflected in his eyes.

The white haired girl seemed to be the only one who noticed and subtly placed her hand on his shoulder, concern laced her expression.

" okay?" She whispered so only he could hear although nothing happened. She snapped her fingers in front of his face in hopes of getting through to him.

"This is bigger than all of us!" Diego shouts above everyone and that seemed to snap Five out of it.

He shoved Dolores away from him as if on instinct -to which it probably was-. She gasped out of surprise and stumbled backwards, luckily catching herself.

"Guys you all die." Five voiced, sounding as if he was on the verge of tears and that fact hurt Dolores more than she'd ever admit.

"I was there, I saw it. I wanna forget it but I can't." The time traveler croaked out, his tone gravely.

The broad knew she shouldn't be listening in the first place but this felt more of a personal family matter, so respectfully she decided to leave to see what Elliott was doing.

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