Colors In The Night Sky

Start from the beginning

We walked up to a booth and she grabbed a candy apple. She munched away on it every once in a while complaining about how sweet it was. "It's so sweet! But so good!" I now had two wish tags in my possession"can we find some where to sit so I can eat?" I nod and point to an empty bench off to the side of the festival. She runs over to it and sits down,placing the shark beside her. I walked over and sat beside her"you want some?" She offers"no thank you." She shrugs and takes another bite"they might have some donuts here,why don't you go and look?" I shake my head"nah,I'm not really in the mood to eat." She nods and looks to the grey shark beside her"what should I name him?" I hum"how about sharky boy?" She looks to me with narrow eyes before I laughed"just kidding! about grey? No...uh...Kirishima! No that's dumb...ugh this is hard to pick!" I complain throwing my head back"well did you ever have a stuffed animal growing up?" I nod"sure did."

"So what did you name them?"

"It's a stupid name."

"Oh come on,can't be as bad as Flowers."

"Wait you named yours 'Flowers'?"

"Sure did. It was a rabbit my grandma made me that had a flower design sewn into it. But enough about me,what did you name them?"


"That's not bad! It's a lot better than Flowers!" I lifted my head"no but I like Flowers! Kinda funny considering you reside under the cherry blossom tree." She hums with pursed lips"I suppose you're right...that's foreshadowing,isn't it?" She looks to me"did Tsukasa have one?" I nod"on our 4th birthday we got matching bears. He never gave his a name if I remember." Her mouth dropped open as she placed a hand on her chest"not naming you're stuffed animal?! What a beast!" I shook my head"no because after he got it he suddenly vanished..."I trail off recalling the events that happened that day.

"You know,I love listening to stories about your life." She suddenly tells me"for real?" She nods"my life was quit boring,well until I moved here of course." I shake my head"no,my life was boring." She shakes her head next"no! You killed your brother and then yourself,that's pretty interesting to me." I cross my arms"fine on the count of three we share one thing from our past." She nods"ok,deal."



"I knew you were gonna do that!" She argues making me laugh"and I knew you were gonna do that! But seriously,tell me something. I promise I'll tell you something." She sighs and holds out her pinky finger"gotta promise me though." I nod and hook my finger around it"promise." We then pull away"ok I'll start then,uh...well my dad was cheating on my mom with one of our maids." My eyes widened"woah,for real?!" She nods"mom didn't know about it,she probably never learned the truth. I knew because I-"her cheeks then turned a bright pink which made my eyes widen upon realizing the hint she dropped. "Wow ok! That's...that's a lot to t-take in." She nods before taking another bite of her candy apple. "Alright your turn Mr.Yugi." My nose scrunched up"ew,don't call me that." She rolls her eyes"get on with the secret."

"Well,it's not really a secret. But when I was little I was sickly." Her eyes widened"wait for real?! You don't seem it! And you didn't seem it when I first met you either! I mean,maybe sick in the head but that's nor-"

"Ok I get it. But yea,I suddenly got better around the time of my forth birthday. The doctor told my parents that I could die any day." I faintly smiled"I'm glad I didn't. I wouldn't had been able to meet you." Her cheeks turned into a bright pink before standing up"come on,let's finish our night up. I'm getting tired plus I'm done with my treat." I nodded as she grabbed the shark"I think I'm going to name it S/AN."(stuffed animal name)

"Unique name."


The rest of the night consisted of us 'arguing' back and forth,winning prizes and tags as well. At the end of night,we headed towards the bamboo tree where others were hanging their tags and making wishes. "What are you going to wish for?" Y/N asks with a tilted head"that's none of your business. You should wish to,we have plenty." She nods"I will after you. I can't let my children touch the ground." Oh right,it started with just the shark...but now she has about four stuffed animals in her possession. I wrote down my wish on one of the tags:
To be with Y/N forever and always

I turned to her"alright,I'll take them." She nods and hands the stuffed animals to me before hanging up her own tags and doing the same. That's when a giant boom was heard from in front of us"fireworks..."I muttered under my breath"are those are they called?" She asks taking two of the plushies"fireworks." She nods"those!" She looked up into the night sky as a few more were shot off making the black sky become coated in reds and yellows. "So pretty..."

I caught myself looking at her and not the fireworks. She was so beautiful under the night sky that was(every once in a while)illuminated by bright colors. "You're pretty."

"Sorry,what was that? I couldn't hear you over the fireworks."

"Nothing,don't worry about it."

"Oh ok."

More fireworks were shot up into the sky.

"I love you."

"I love you to."

Just A Lover(Hanako-kun X Ghost! Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now