Chapter 18

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Harvest was turning away from me and I didn't know why until I saw Damian. Harvest lifted his hand and a sharp broken metal pole went through Damian's stomach. 

I had felt the world stop spinning in that moment and my heart stop pumping. As much I have ever felt, I have never felt pain like this. My blood was burning with the fires from hell.

"Damian!" I screamed as tears fell from my face.

I had gained all of my demoness powers and took out Harvest. While my powers were controllable and couldn't stop Harvest, there's was my demon side that was never used to which did have enough power to take him out. The only problem is that power has to be triggered by emotions. Once I see Harvest on the ground knocked out I come back to my regular state and run to Damian.

I fall to my knees picking him up into my lap. I cried on him, feeling for a pulse and there was one, it was very faint and hard to find with my shaking hands, but it was there. I pulled out the pole and cradled him in my arms.

"Damian please come back. I need you." I cry harder. "Please." I was horrifically sobbing. My eyes barely open and I can see my teams' shadows in front of me meaning they were standing behind me. I moved my face next to his so that our cheeks were touching. "I love you Damian." Please come back I couldn't stop repeating it in my head. I love him, I can't lose him now, I need him and only him, more than anything. He is the reason I want to laugh, to smile, to breathe.

A flash of light blinded me as I cried. I was taken to another place. It was white and glowing. I see a while cloaked figure standing in the distance. 

"My sweet Raven, you have come to know love to which no one who is evil can feel." The voice echoed and sounded so familiar. The figure turns around. It was Azar. 

"Azar?" I said with such surprise. The woman from Azarath who trained me to meditate and control my powers. She had truly guided me when no one else wanted me around. She was what you would call the seer. He red dress she used to always wear was peeking from underneath her white cloak. When she died I was heartbroken because I had only known her love.

"It is me." She smiled I moved closer to her. She reached her hand out to me and I took it. "I know I told you to hide your emotions even your good ones. After I passed I had discovered that love would be so powerful in your heart that you would no longer contain evil, it would simply be a part of your past. Like a memory."

"What about my father?" I ask her.

"Well he still exists of course, but now you are more powerful with this love you carry in your heart." She told me. 

"Won't my emotions be too strong and uncontrollable?" I ask once more.

"Well you will still need to control your emotions, but you are now stronger than ever." She dropped my hand. "It's time for you to go back. You must protect Earth for as long as any evils are on it."

"Did you ever love me?" She continued to look at me. "Back on Azarath."

"Why of course I did, practically raised you. You were like my own daughter. I cared so deeply for you." I smile at her and smiles back. "Now you must be getting back, your team needs you."

A flash of white like before had happened again and soon I was back with Damian in my arms. I hear his groan and I lean back to see his face. His eyes slowly open a he gains his breath back. I notice my arms and see white sleeves instead of my usual black. The gems on my wrists were now purple and as I look more at my uniform I notice I am wearing all white, even my cloak. It looked similar to Azar's. Only those who were most powerful on Azarath could wear the white cloak.

"You love me?" I heard Damian speak drawing my attention back to him.

Desireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें