Chapter 4

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I was completely annoyed at the point, as soon as Damian and I were comfortable on the reading our own books the Titans alarm rang throughout the building. We got up, I went to my room and we quickly got dressed in our uniforms. Everyone was already out the door, I didn't think Damian and I took that long to get ready, but I made us a portal beating everyone there.

It was Dr. Light again. Soon everyone showed up right behind us. Donna stepped in front of everyone used her stupid golden lasso of truth to capture Dr. Light then Kori went to shut down the machine he was using. The while thing was done Damian and I weren't even needed. New girl Donna did everything herself. She looked almost a few years older than me but I could be wrong the women from that island of hers don't age, ask Diana.

Starfire, Donna, and Nightwing took Dr. Light back to jail. The rest of us went to the tower, I just portaled us all there it was easiest. I went back to my room to change back into the clothes I was wearing earlier. I went back to Damian's room, I didn't knock and when I opened the door he was standing there shirtless.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said quickly looking away and starting to close the door so he had privacy.

"No it's okay come in." I walk in and he was still shirtless but he was putting one on. I walk over to side of the bed I was on Titus was still there along with my book and tea. "I'm gonna go make some tea real quick do you want a fresh cup?" He asked and I nodded handing him my cup. He left the room and I was there with Titus.

"Why does he always have to be shirtless when I walk in on him?" I asked Titus and he just moaned in response. "He's very attractive especially when you get past his wall." I thought out loud. I mean I know I've always felt something towards Damian but that's just because he's my closest and most trusted friend right?

The door opened and in walk Damian with our cups of tea. "I got you mint I hope that's okay?" He said handing me my mug that Kori got me when I first moved to tower.

"Thank you," told him. I took a sip of the tea then set it down on the nightstand on my side of the bed. I pick up my book to go back to reading.

"So I'm assuming you don't like Donna?" I set my book down taking a deep breath. I turn to look at him he leaned back a little prepping for I could say.

"How could she rush in like and do the work on her own like we we're a team around here." I ranted. "She too cheerful for me, and the way you looked at her said everything." I didn't mean to say that last part but I was already in the middle of my rant I couldn't help myself.

"What do you mean the way I looked at her?" Of course that's the only thing he hears I should have expected it.

"The way you eyed her up and down she's clearly attractive I mean she's related to Diana. You've seen Diana especially since she with your father." I could him shiver a little when I said that. I guess he's just used to seeing Bruce as the bachelor and not a true father.

"Raven I don't find Donna attractive like besides she's not my type. I like a girl that I have stuff in common with." That was me I'm the girl he has stuff in common with, well I don't think he would ever look at me in that way, we're to close as friends, he probably thinks of me as a little sister.

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