Chapter 14

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Seeing him made me feel stronger. I missed him and being able to talk to him. While hug him I try to remember him so that when I leave I won't miss him too much. His arms were wrapped around me and when he squeezed I gasped from the pain I felt. I was punched in the gut by Harvest while I was in hand to hand combat with him. Damian let go quickly and pulled back looking at me. He placed a light touch to my stomach and I wince from his touch. He stands up and grabs my hand. I gave him a confused look.

"Come on, we're going to heal those bruises the non magical way." I took his hand as he guided me through the doors of the infirmary.

We walked down the halls passing large portraits of an older man and Damian's mother. He helped me as we finally made to what is his room. He opens one of the double doors to and open room with no windows but just completely open to the outside. He further walked me into the room and I see a living area and another doorway. We walk to the other doorway and I see his bed. He sits me down on the bed.

"I'm going to run a hot bath." He walked off through a doorway to where you see the bathroom from. I hear the sound of water running and a sprinkling sound. He comes back into view and comes back to the bed to get me.

I get up and walk into the bathroom Damian was about to leave but as awkward as this seemed, I needed his help to get undressed. I can't do it myself because I'm to hurt right now and well my powers are drained I used the last of it making a portal to get here.

"I uh-," I felt so embarrassed to ask. "I need your help." I looked down embarrassed cheeks red even under the ugly bruise on my left cheek.

He widened his eyes and cleared his throat. "Maybe I should get Lady Shiva." I knew he felt awkward too.

"No I prefer you, I don't know her like that." I told him.

He moved forward towards me and look me in my face. His hands were holding onto the clasp of my cloak as he started to undo it. He pulled it from around me and draped it on a bench. He walked around to the other side of me and undid my belt placing it with my cloak on bench. I felt his fingertips brush my neck as he reached for the zipper on my leotard. The sound of the zipper made my spine chill. I removed one arm exposing my back and right shoulder. Next was my left arm. I saw him walk around and away from me trying not to look. I slipped the leotard down with my tights careful to not push myself. Once I was fully undressed I stepped into the rectangular tub and felt the hot water envelope my body. I sat with my legs to my chest trying to hide my body.

"I'm okay now if you want to leave." He turns around and gives me a stern look.

"There's a towel right there when you're done," I looked to where he nodded his head seeing a white towel there hanging. "And I'll find something for you to wear for now." he left me in the bathroom by myself for a while I couldn't even hear his feet padding the ground meaning he was still or had left.

The bathroom was of a beige color that wasn't the boring type of beige but the comforting beige. I stretched out my legs sore from the fighting. Is this how Dick and Damian feel after a fight? I lean back and fully submerge my head and body under the water. I sit back up bring my legs into my chest, drenched in water.

I decide I'm done in the water so I get out and grab the towel that was hanging for me. I dry my body off as best as I could then wrap the towel around myself. I leave the bathroom and see Damian sitting on the bed.

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