Chapter 8

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I was in the training room throwing punches at the punching bag. Titus laid on the floor as always, but seemed sad. I feel bad for him because I know he wants her around, but I can't be around her right now. I'm not saying I don't want her to be around I always do, I just need a minute to think alone.

"Damian," A whisper appeared out of nowhere stopping at the punching bag. I breathed in and out heavily trying to stabilize my heart rate. The whisper sounded so close, I turn around thinking she would be there but she wasn't. I choose to ignore it and walk to the wall where my samurai sword hung. I take it to the the practice dummy and level the sword getting into a fighting stance. 

"Damian," a voice said again, I quickly turn around with my sword in hand to swing at whatever was behind me. Before I've made it 180 degrees I feel a force pushing on it keeping it from going the 180 degrees. When I finally get the chance to see who it is behind me, it was her and her face was angry while her eyes had disappointment.

"I'm so sorry," I tell her. She releases my sword as I drop it to the ground.

"Are you that paranoid that you can't tell when it's me you're about to kill?" She asks with her eyebrows furrowed. A whimper sounds from behind me and soon enough the dog comes up where we're standing.

"Raven you know I would never hurt you." I reach for her hand but she pulls it away. something is wrong with her. "What's wrong?" I ask her. It took a moment before she said anything.

"I saw her again." She looked down and I knew who she was talking about.

"Did anything happen? Did she say anything to you?" She looked up at me through her lashes like she didn't want to make eye contact.

"She said you had to go back." I heard a sadness in her tone. I knew she didn't want me to leave, but I myself have been getting this gut feeling that I had to go back. The only problem is if I go back I'm most likely never coming back to the tower and I will never fight beside the Titans. "I know what you're thinking. We'll be okay. I'll be okay. You can go if you have to with Donna here we'll be okay."

"I don't know Raven." I rub the back of my neck in thought. If my mother is telling Raven that I have to go back to the League of Assassins compound then I have to, the league could be taken over by evil and become a bigger problem for the Titans. But I don't want to leave her, I care too much about her. When I'm she'll have no noe and I know I will never have someone like her around.

As much as I wanted to stay I think it was best if I go, I have to make sure the League is taken care of. I grab her hand and drag her with me, with Titus behind us. I get on the elevator with her and she moves close to my arm while I hold her hand. We made it to level our rooms were on and I lead her down to my room. She knows that I'm going to leave, she senses these types of things, but I also know she senses my feelings. I felt angry because I had to leave my friends and the one place I called home. I also felt some sadness because I had to leave her here alone.

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