Chapter 12: Opera Phantom Catchers

Start from the beginning

Haruhiko: Sure, but be careful.

Sekai: Yeah right, Like she'll be that pushy.

*Timeskip, Brought by Chibi Kyle reading a script.*

After everyone makes it to the drama club, they find a navy blue hair coloured girl, thinking that must be Ayumi. She spots the others and brought them into rehearsal's.

 She spots the others and brought them into rehearsal's

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Ayumi: C'mon guys, we better start rehearsing!

Sekai: they weren't lying. She is pushy.

Pinni: Tell me about it.

Haruhiko comes back with the script.

Kyle: Hey, what's that Script about?

Haruhiko: you guys?

Denwa: what? That's a lie!

Haruhiko gives Kyle the script and he was right.

Kyle: The Legacy of the Phantom catchers? Nice title.

Sekai looks at the script and thought.

Sekai: This looks cool. can we be part of it?

Ayumi than comes up.

Ayumi: Sorry, but if you are actors or been in a show, then you can join.

Mesmo: Rude.

Pinni: that's it!

Everyone stared at her in confusion.

Kyle: what is it?

Pinni then brings out a pin badge from her old acting school.

Ayumi: No way!

Pinni: before Phantom catching, I was in a top notch preforming school. My great Aunt learned their then she was young.

Koito: I never thought your Aunt was into this stuff.

Pinni: oh, well you see, my family are...actors?

Ayumi: Not common, I was born to preform...

Pinni: Not that. It's because her whole life was preforming on stage.

She brings out a picture book of her aunt at the preforming school.

Mai: That's your aunt?

Pinni: what? are you going to make a joke about her doing sleeping beauty as beauty and the evil witch at the same time?

Kyle: not that, but if we want to act and find your Phantom, we have to learn from her.

Denwa: Why not call her?

Pinni: no! She thinks I'm at the Koen Suteji Preforming and Stage Arts, but after It was nothing but stage acting, I...only told my parents I don't want to act.

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