Chapter 7: Invoking Legendary!

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Kyle was showing us his Phantom binder.

Kyle: Phantoms can be based around Rarity. Their Rarity means now rare they appear.

Ruru then pops up.

Ruru: Like me!

Kyle: Phantoms rarity is related as this: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, Legendary and Mythical

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Kyle: Phantoms rarity is related as this: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, Legendary and Mythical.

Ruru: Woah!

Kyle: My Phantoms, Mes and Punimellia are both Very Rare. 

Ruru: what about the Legendary thing you were talking about?

Kyle: A wise Question! Legendary Phantoms are Extremely Rare to come by. But the easy way to get one, it must be by a seal. If you collect a certent Phantom for that seal, you will obtain the Legendary!

Ruru: But how will you know if its reacting?

Kyle: It'll react if the Seal is glowing, but to really summon it, you must say a special chant to summon it.

As Kyle was talking, Ruru see's the page glowing.

Ruru: Urrr...Kyle?

Kyle: Yes Ruru?

The page then stops glowing.

Ruru: Urrr...nothing.

She then blushes.

*Insert Intro*

Everyone was relaxing and hanging out in the Clubroom. Kyle was looking through his binder, until Haruhiko came up.

Kyle: Oh, Hey Haru.

Haruhiko: Hey Kyle, what are you looking at?

Kyle: oh nothing, Just looking through the binder.

Haruhiko decides to join and look at all the cards Kyle has.

Kyle: But what I said was nothing. I collected so much cards, I'm close to get a Legendary Phantom!

Haruhiko: A legendary Phantom?

Kyle: Yep, collecting as much cards will allow me to summon a Legendary Phantom!

Haruhiko: Well you have much to summon one.

Kyle: But, it'll only start if it glows.

Then one of the pages started glowing.

Kyle: What the?

They both walk back from the binder, as it goes to a seal page, with Mesmo, Punimellia, Ichigeki, Rengeki, Heatwave Phantom, Mothios, Droplit, Megaberus Phantom and B00st.

Haruhiko: what's happening?

Kyle: Those Phantoms must be the ones to open the seal!

Koito, Mai, Reina and Kurumi all saw what's happening.

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