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'The Anzac campaign at Gallipoli, after eight long hard months, has come to an end as Anzacs are evacuated. 'The campaign was a complete defeat, suffering heavy losses and little victory.I believe we all could have tried a little harder'-Britain. Britain's statement has left everyone wondering, how reliable are the anzacs? Are we really willing To Trust they'll help us win the war?"
"Zeal stop reading, I've heard enough."
Australia leaned over the table, head deep in his hands as the report swam around his mind. Zeal looked up from the newspaper she was holding focusing on her brother across the dining room.
"Yeah sure. I mean what gives this guy the right to tell us we're hopeless."
Australia rose his head to face New Zealand a look of despair and sorrow covering his face
"We had over 26,000 casualties , and they treat us like shit."
" next they'll say it had no influence on the course of the war"
"That damn BRITT! He didn't have any FUCKING right to say that!."
Australia slammed his hand down onto the hard wooden surface of the table shoving his seat to the floor as he rose to his feet. New Zealand rose up after him making her way around dining table
"Calm down, he probably didn't mean for it to be taken in that direction!"
"Zeal I have every right NOT to calm down!"
Silent tears slipping down his cheeks Australia slipped onto the hard ground
" I lost around 8,000 men. You were 231 off from 3,000. Our soldiers died for a war we should never have joined..."

"Hey aus the battle of verdun's started how long do you think it'll last."
Australia turned his attention to his sister placing his book beside him.
"Who's in it?"
"France and Germany, it'll probably last a long time."
"Great gives Britain something besides his shitty attempt to take over of the Ottoman Empire to focus on"
Australia spat his words full of venom.
"Guess none of them can handle their poor planning."
New Zealand let out a sigh sinking into her seat
"They better stop going on about Britain's defeat now just like they did with ours."
"Tsk, if there's ever a second war like this you'll see me on whatever sides taking on Britain."
"Hah! I'll join you on that one aus.I can't spend another year listening to the man's ego."

April 6 1917
'Along with news of the Zimmermann telegram threatening an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the United States , America has asked Congress for a declaration of war against Germany. The United States have officially entered the conflict.'

November 1917
'The Russian revolution begins. Two leading parties are left to fight. the white and red army are in constant conflict to gain control of the country.'

November 1918
'Facing economic exhaustion and starvation, along with the imminent arrival of two million American troops, Berlins launched a last-ditch attempt to break through the Western Front – but after some initial successes, the Spring Offensive was eventually turned back.'

November 11 1918
'Men,women and children rejoice as the 4 year long war comes to an end as Germany signs the armistice stating battle over land, sea and air must come to a ceasefire.'

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