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i started a petition to make tiktok take some responsibility for allowing that video to go viral. if it gets enough signatures, i'll go directly to them. http://chng.it/6fXvW2v856 if the link does not work here, go to my messageboard where i posted the link as well.

as for the video itself, i have been given updates on the context.

do not read further if you are sensitive to blood, gore and murder.

according to _january-embers_, the girl had snitched on the mexican cartel, and in revenge, they murdered her. they posted this video as a warning, i'm assuming. apparently, the cartel also sent this video to her mother shortly after her murder. words cannot speak to how horrified i feel, and how bad i feel for her poor mother.

for those of you trying to be brave in my comments (i see you) and saying you're going to go look this up, i sincerely hope you didn't traumatize yourself. i'm not fucking around. this is not a challenge to go look it up. do not look this up. it is horrific and disturbing. for this reason, i'll go ahead and inform you exactly what was in this video in hopes you don't look it up. the transcript is also provided by HxneyYellow.

"In the video it's a girl dancing around doing a tik tok but it immediately cuts to a video of what seems like 2 men holding a seemingly different girl up by the hair and beheading her in a bathtub. The poor thing was covered in blood and was crying looking like she was going to fall unconscious any second."

as bea said, you may think this is for shits and giggles, or this is all fake. it is not. the mexican cartel murdered this girl. they posted it on a viral video app. this was no mistake. this is also your reminder to stay away from drugs, and not just bc the drugs themselves are bad. 

be safe. please.

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