"Pretty Little Liars"

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The emotions pile up in the worst way possible, i haven't heard that voice in so long it makes my heart skip a beat.

This can't be real...

"Hello? Is anyone there?" His velvety voice speaks, i try to form words but the only words going through my head right now are 'Nathan Lied'. I tear up, cupping a hand over my mouth so he doesn't hear my ragged breathing.

"Alright, i'm hanging up" he sighs out and the line goes dead. My phone slips out of my grip and falls into my lap, i sit still for several minutes processing this. Its so unbelievable yet it makes sense.

It explains why i never found Pierces grave, why Nathan was so casual about those files...

He disguised it so well thinking i wouldn't figure it out.

Nathan kept this a secret from me and i have no idea how long he's known Pierce is alive.

I still can't believe it myself but someone wouldn't go to this extreme, how would someone sound exactly like him?

Endless thoughts run through my head but i get off the sofa with all those thoughts, put on the outfit i'd laid out in case i did decide to take that flight and brush my teeth. I'd showered earlier this morning but i don't like the disgusting menthol taste that interferes with the taste of milk.

My head pounds as i trudge around the house clearing up the small mess i created, once i'm done i grab my suitcase and handbag, making sure to tuck the file into my carry on.

I glance around the apartment one last time, reminiscing on 3 years of sitting and brooding in here "goodbye Seattle" i smile sadly like an idiot before shutting the door and locking it. On the way out i hand the security my keys "a cargo company will be here in a few hours to pick up the last of my boxes as well as my furniture, give them this." I smile at the lovely man, who grins at me in response "its sad to see you go Ms. Anna, hope you enjoy your new journey" he wishes, i pull out an envelope and put it in his hand "thank you, for everything. You're a lovely man" i say before walking away.

London, here i come.

I'll get to the bottom of this. I need to know if Pierce is actually alive and if so, why has no one had the courtesy to tell me.


London, 12 pm.

I unlock the door to my new apartment and step into the foyer, i flick the light switch on and the hallway illuminates in pale yellow runner lights. I fell in love with the layout of this place online, i never even got a chance to look at it in person.

"Home sweet home" i sigh, dropping my bags.

My phone rings for the umpteenth time today, i'm so close to throwing it out the window because everyone on my damn contact list has called me since i woke up yesterday. I wrestle it out of my pocket and answer it with a frustrated huff "what?!" I bark, it was too early in the day for this and i'm emotionally exhausted.

"Anna.. you haven't answered you phone in a week" Monica speaks, talking to me like i'm insane. I probably am..

"Monica, leave me alone. And tell everyone to do the same, i don't want to talk to anyone" i say angrily kicking my shoes off.

"We know what happened okay, Nathan told us. He isn't talking either, he looked worried about you though" she defends. i scoff "yeah well you can tell him to fuck himself" i retort with hatred in my voice.

We're Just Broken [BOOK 2 Of The 'We're Just' Trilogy]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang