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"Wake up," I say quietly to Vinnie, who is soundly asleep, but you have to do what you have to do when the man takes a long time to get ready. "Are you sure? "Can you tell me the time?" "Early, now wake up, we have a breakfast brunch to go with my family, and then we can leave to go for a walk," I remark as I draw the blinds open. "All right, you get dressed first." We talked for approximately two hours before meeting my mother downstairs about nine o'clock. "What took you so long, I woke you up hours ago Nai," she says impatiently, and Vinnie and I simply joke at how long it takes us to get ready.

It was crowded when we arrived at my grandmother's place. My young cousins took up most of the space, and my aunts and uncles were all surprised I came with a boy, but they were nice and polite while receiving him. Before we walked out to the back to eat, I spoke with my family for a few minutes. "Your family is large, huh?" he asks. "Yeah, they don't typically get together, so you won't see half of them again," I explain. "How come?" he asks again. "Well, they mostly came because of the mass at the cathedral on Friday, and because my mother is here, and they all adore her," I say. "Oh yeah, I get that," he replies, "just so you know, I'm not going to the mass." "It's fine you don't have to" I kiss his cheek and wash our dishes before saying my goodbyes to everyone. They were all kind but my grandmother was the sweetest to Vin.

We took a stroll through the plaza, and life suddenly felt like a telenovela montage. We went on the carousel, ate some Mexican food, took a few photos, and had a great day together. "I prefer life when it's like this," I comment, "true, just the two of us without cameras in our faces and having to cut time short," he admits, and I nod in agreement. That isn't to say that just a few people didn't recognize us, but it isn't quite as... brutal?

I didn't feel like vlogging that day, and we still had a few days in Mexico remaining, so there was no need for me to waste time alone. My mother stated that she stayed with my family till late at night. Couldn't be me; I adore them, but our minds aren't on the same page, and my spanish isn't equal to the challenge of holding a long conversation.

We looked back as we were getting ready to go to bed. "Did you look at the timeline?" "No, why, what happened?" I asked both confused and worried. "The fan pages uploaded a number of videos about how we met last year" he says joyfully "I love that we met but I hate how we met, I was so drunk" I cringe at the memory "ok but I got to know you to know you're not like that and look at us now" he says "ok but a year?" I question. That's insane, who'd have guessed," I reply. "Me," he adds, his face serious. "I knew," he adds again. "Are you insane?" I answer, puzzled, "no, I'm just saying," he smiles, "I didn't expect we'd be here in Mexico meeting your family, but I knew we'd end up together."


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Naileadevora: Mexico for the weekend 😛

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Naileadevora: Mexico for the weekend 😛

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