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Author's note: I'm writing a two-part chapter again, so this and the next will go hand in hand, so please bear with me. This is also the last chapter of the day because I am BOOKED for today.

I haven't talked to my mom in a while, and I know she'll listen to me without making judgements, so I call her; it's moments like these when it's difficult not to have her around or live near her. "Hola mommy" I say trying to fix myself "Hola Nailea, how are you?" she says while figuring out how to turn on her camera "I am fine, I guess, just calling because I miss you a little extra right now," I say. "awww dear, I saw your podcast or well, I heard it and are you sure you're alright, I know breakups suck but yours was public, I can't imagine," she sounds worried. "I am dealing with it differently than I have in the past; I get out of bed and try and be as productive as possible to take my mind off of it all," I explain. "I mean, I did partially cheat by kissing someone else when I was in a relationship, but it was in the moment, and I am hoping you can hear me out without judging," I smile at her. "Of course, look, you weren't happy, your partner wasn't happy, because you weren't making each other happy, and that's fine, it happens; I just hope you learnt from this and don't make the same mistakes again," she advised. "Okay, I have a conference in ten minutes, so call me another time, take care, I miss you," my mother says as she blows a kiss across the screen and hangs up,  our calls were never long.

I stand up and walk to Avani's room, saying, "Okay, I'm ready for the video now." I smile and sit in front of her set-up. "Hello there, It's Nai, I'm joking, but take over for a moment? I'm not sure, comment down below," she begins. "Hey shawties, no you're not seeing double, it's me and my twin" I add, "you guys have been requesting for the longest to do a collab with Avani and what a better way than to do each other's makeup" I say, and we begin filming. So, someone wondered how long we'd been friends for. "For a while, I met her on social media because everyone kept tagging me in your videos and vice versa," Avani says while doing my makeup. "Yeah, and then Larray introduced us to each other last year at his party," I explain "Soon after, we ended up moving together to this crazy ass club house, and now we're like the closest we've ever been," she concludes.

"Yeah, we like to know a lot about each other, so that's how you know she's not going anywhere," I say, "and what's the most difficult thing we've been through as friends?" Avani inquires, and immediately responds, "her breakups." "Yeah, I shut her out and everyone else, but on Avani's part, I think it was our stupid social feud over the merch design, that was kinda dumb," I laugh "just two great minds thinking alike."

We change when we finish getting ready because we're all having dinner at home, a little classy friend group moment. There were activities and games for Thoma's vlog, and it was a Halloween themed dinner. I dressed up as a playboy bunny, and the couples wore matching costumes. I was more surprised and saddened by Vinnie's date; I didn't expect him to bring someone, but it seems that he actually chose someone's application. "Oh my god babe did you see that?" Larray whispers to me as soon as they walked in "I can see that" I sigh "babe it's okay you look fucking bomb, better than her but that stays between us" he says making me laugh "you're right."

"Okay, welcome everybody, you all look amazing now we're going to eat first because it's still bright outside, then we're going to watch the two IT movies and finally get to the activities planned, I ask that my vloggers vlog themselves, you will be divided into groups, and each group should have a camera" Thomas says, "Also, pictures will be taken later, okay guys, enjoy this dinner and get ready for more spooky events in the month," and we all eat. My friends and I skipped the movie part because I hate horror movies and am afraid of IT, so I made it a point to take pictures.

Naileadevora: who is gonna tell her it's not halloween yet?

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Naileadevora: who is gonna tell her it's not halloween yet?

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