moral of the story

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"Nai, welcome to the Callherdaddy podcast." Alexandra greets me, "Thank you, this is my first and last interview/ podcast so enjoy everybody," to which she replies, "why?" "I don't know, I don't do interviews like I listen to podcasts and I find the talking on mic very enjoyable however I dread being on the hot seat and being too open but you're a friend of mine so I decided to but otherwise I don't think I would" I explain, and she nods. "Well, thank you, who's podcast do you listen to?" she asks. "I listen to a few, but my top favorites are you or the Zach Sang show." "I love him too, but Nailea, we have established that you are a very private person, do you think you are going to be more transparent now?" she goes on. " I want to now because I was always very discreet and private in the beginning, but I guess it affects me more sometimes clearly if anything has to be address, I would address it now as opposed to before I would let it pass by me," I say.

"What made you be this way?" She starts us off. "Well, I was only in high school when I started blowing up on social media; I am now nineteen and have grown so much in that period, but I was afraid to fuck up because I was exposed to anyone in the world judging me." I explain "What has social media and drama taught you?" She inquires "Drama on social media is ten times worse than high school drama just because it's so much bigger and everyone feels entitled to say something, which is the whole problem with canceling culture, but umm it's taught me a lot of great lessons, and I'm a better person because of it but even now I am scared of my every move because I think will it make headlines on twitter?" I state. "Speaking of drama, there has been a lot lately surrounding your relationship with now ex Hubert and Vinnie Hacker. Can you please elaborate?" Alexandra stirs the pot as expected. "So it goes back to April when the first breakup occurred, I found out through the internet that I was being cheated on and at first I saw the pictures and didn't think anything about it because I have guy friends who I hang out with all the time too and then I comforted him and he confessed to it so we broke up, days later more photos came out and fans assumed we were still together before I came out with the "Hot Girl Summer don't write me off the list just yet" tweet" I explain and she nods her head.

"Anyway, I went on a three-week hiatus after that out of total pain and embarrassment, which now I see how it affected those around me but I didn't care because he was my first love and those aren't easy to move on from so we reconciled after I came back to social media, but please keep in mind I was already sort of more conscious of his behaviour now," I finally tell my side of the story. "During our brief relationship, I started to fall out of love and fall in love with another guy, but I kept denying it all because I felt like a backstabber and was afraid to be what I hated Hub for being," I clarify. "One day I was with this other guy because I had just found my boyfriend with the girl he had cheated on me with together and we just happened to kiss in the moment when Hub walked in and made a scene, rightfully so I guess and that was the second and final fallout of that dysfunctional relationship, he made it a whole scandal on the media and I don't blame him too much for it but Hub was still being sneaky during our relationship which is no excuse for the kiss but I want to make that clear before he gets written off as innocent" I conclude with a deep sigh.

"Are you with this other guy now that your previous relationship has ended, or how are you dealing with that?" she inquires "No, I am not on speaking terms with either of them, which I suppose is for the best, I mean I like to think that everything happens for a reason even though I am not sure what the reason is at the moment," I simply smile to mask the tears that well up in my eyes as I recall that day. "Wow, thank you for opening up like this; it is necessary to know all sides of the story at all times because most people have no idea what goes on behind the scenes of people's lives." Alexandra acknowledges, "They don't, and it's fucking nuts to me because I used to be like that with people on social media before I was in their shoes, but yeah, don't send hate to anybody because it's not what I stand for, and it's precisely why I never came out with receipts or statements because of how much hate the other person or people will receive." I add, "so true this isn't about taking sides but settling those screw ups." she finalizes with that topic. We spoke about my rising to social media, new projects, supporters, and other topics for the remainder of the podcast. For a brief moment, speaking with Alexandra felt like a genuine conversation. I had completely forgotten that I was recording a podcast.

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