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A/N: This is a brief chapter of update in the story. I've been quite busy recently trying to complete and prepare for finals; I don't get out until the sixteenth, but I'll try to write between now and next week.

"You have everything ready because we're about to leave," I say as I walk in Vin's room, "yeah, aren't we going to wait for your mom?" "No, she's already on her way to the airport, my friend Ray was kind enough to give her a ride there," I explain to him while he quickly double-checks his suitcases. "Well, then, are you ready?" he asks, making eye contact with me through his mirror, "yeah I am, a little nervous but pretty pumped" I exclaim, "if you're nervous imagine me" he groans, "well feel very lucky you're the first and lets hope last man I introduce my family to" I walk towards him, "now put on a shirt and let's go" I kiss his cheek and go downstairs to start the car.

  "OK, Mexico, your favorite couple is on their way," I say as I turn on the camera, and he chuckles. "Hey guys, you might be thinking right now as you're watching this, Nai, where the fuck have you been, and there is an answer to that question. I was in Mexico or am about to go there, and I'm traveling with my boyfriend, so don't worry, I didn't kidnap him or anything," I clarified to the camera. "That's exactly what a kidnapper would say," Vinnie jokes. "Did you hear that, guys? I'm scared, I don't know what that was," I responded with a sarcastic reply. "Anyway, since we were going to be gone and wanted a home to return to after our trip, we decided to blog our spring break, so here we are on our way to the airport, we'll catch you guys up when we land in Mexico, ok bye," I say as I turn off the camera.

When we arrive, we see my mother. "Hi mom," I say, giving her the biggest hug, "and by the way, this is Vinnie," I introduce them. He was clearly nervous, but my mother overlooked his nervousness and greeted him warmly. "So when we get there, you two will have your own hotel room and I'll have mine, and from the hotel to your grandmother's house is probably a 15-minute drive or 30-minute walk," my mother explains as we wait for the plane. "Okay, so we're walking there basically?" I question. "Yes, besides there are a lot of things to see around," my mom adds. "You'll like it there mijo," she says to Vinnie. "Si gracias," he manages to get out. "You're trying, I like that," I say to him, and we watch a movie for the majority of the time.

I slept out after the plane took off, awoke, and landed in Mexico, baby. It was still early out, but we stayed in the hotel for the remainder of the evening to rest; the day had seemed so long, and it wasn't over yet. "Shit, let me update the vlog quickly," I say as I grab the camera. "Okay so we've arrived and are safe, umm the plane ride was a blur honestly we fell asleep, umm there isn't much of an update besides we got to our hotel room and we'll be out and about tomorrow and just quickly I won't vlog everything because I came here to enjoy some time alone with my family and boyfriend but I will be trying to feed you content here so don't you worry shawtys" I say good night to the camera kiss Vin good night.

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