Chapter 20: Tython's Jedi Temple

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(One month later)

(Planet: Ajan Kloss)

Y/N's P.O.V

So it's been a month since Kira built her lightsaber.

The two of us along with Rey, Ben and Finn are looking for a new place to train the next generation of Jedi.

Ben and I manage to find the holocron with force sensitive children on it.

Now we just need to find a place to train them, if that's what they want.

While we've been doing that mum and Poe have been working to rebuild the Republic and deal with the rest of the remnants of the Final Order, with the help of Chewbacca.

We've been searching for the past month and I think I've finally found the perfect place.

Myself and BD-7 run into the command room and see Rey, Kira, Ben and Finn going over old Jedi texts, along with R2-D2.

Y/N: Guys, I've found the perfect place to rebuild the Jedi.

Ben: Really, where?

Y/N: Tython.

I bring the Jedi text over to them and show them the page with Tython on it.

Finn: Tython?

Y/N: Tython is a planet that has a Jedi temple on it, and I've been doing some research and the temple is still standing, and all of the hostile creatures that once lived there are now extinct so we don't have to worry about them. All we have to do is clean it up and we've got ourselves a Jedi temple.

Rey: Why does Tython have a Jedi temple?

Ben: Because the Jedi Order was once on Tython thousands of years ago.

Y/N: So, it's perfect. All we need to do is check it out in person.

Kira: So, when are we going?

Y/N: Right now. Come on, let's get to the Falcon.

All of us then head to the Falcon I jump in the pilot seat with Ben as the copilot.

We take off and fly out of Ajan Kloss' atmosphere, we then head into lightspeed travelling to Tython.

As we're travelling through hyperspace Kira jumps in the front with me after Ben gets up.

Kira: So Y/N, why don't we just build the Jedi temple on the planet your Master Luke's was on?

I sigh.

Y/N: Well Kira that place has alot of bad memories for both Ben and myself. Plus this is about new beginnings which includes a new Jedi Order in a new Jedi temple. Do you understand?

She nods.

Kira: Yeah, I guess so.

Y/N: And besides Master Luke's Jedi temple was burned to the ground, so it'd be alot harder to rebuild it.

Kira: So, why was this temple abandoned?

Y/N: Well, after the Jedi won the war against the Sith the Republic thought it'd be best for the Jedi to be closer and more involved with politics. So the Jedi built a new temple in the heart of the Republic, which is the planet of Coruscant. Little did they know that was part of their downfall.

Kira: Really?

Y/N: Yep, because it allowed the Jedi of old to become short-sighted, which in turn allowed the Jedi along with the sente to become corrupted by the Emperor who raised up created the Empire and wiped the Jedi out.

Star Wars Male Reader X Son of Han Solo and Leia Organa  Episode 9 TROSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora