Chapter 5: The Dagger

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Y/N's P.O.V

After what seems like forever I finally land on the ground and see that I'm in some tunnels.

Y/N: Rey?! BD?! Finn?! Poe?!

Finn: Y/N!

BD-7: (Happily beeps.)

I turn and see Finn and BD. We quickly hug and pull away.

Finn: Where are the other's?

Y/N: I don't know.

Finn and I walk forwards and we can hear Rey and Poe on the other side.

So I kick the wall in and it breaks down, Finn and I walk through and reunite with the other's

Rey: Y/N! Finn!

We all greet each other and look around.

Poe: Man, I thought we were goners.

Finn: Alright, which way out?

I look around and activate my saber to brighten up the place.

Poe then turns on his flashlight.

I look at him.

Y/N: Really bro?

I shake my head and walk the other way with Rey close behind.

Y/N: So Finn, what was it?

Finn: What?

Rey: What you wanted to tell us?

Finn: I'll tell you later.

Poe: You mean when Poe's not here?

Finn: Yeah.

Poe: We're gonna die in the underground and we're keeping secrets.

Finn: I'll tell you when you tell us about that shifty stuff you've been doing.

(Five minutes later)

After about five minutes of wandering around we find the clue to the Sith Way Finder, which was a dagger that belonged to Ochi.

I pick it up and use force echo on it and hear a voice. More specifically Rey's voice.

Rey: No!!

After getting over that I give it to 3PO to translate it, but he says he can't as his programming forbids him from translating the Sith language.

As we're talking we hear a roar and see a serpent-like creature show up.

Rey and I hold our saber up and Finn and Poe hold up their blasters.

Y/N: Wait, stop. Stop.

I hand Finn my lightsaber and go over to the creature.

Once I'm close enough I see it has a wound and I kneel down and put my hand over wound and use force heal to heal his wound.

After doing that the serpent then leaves opening up a hole allowing us to get out.

BB-8 then comes over to me.

BB-8: (Beeps.)

Y/N: I transferred some force energy from me to him.

BB-8: (Happily beeps.)

I smile.

Y/N: You would have done the same if you could.

I then stand up and Finn hands me my saber as we leave the tunnels and head up to Ochi's ship.

I go over to the edge and boost Poe up.

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